Dr. Debra Soh Debunks Claims of a Gender Spectrum

Published 2020-08-05

All Comments (21)
  • @joseperales2381
    I was a male trapped in a females body. Then the doctor recommended a c-section and my mother gave birth to me.
  • @nealmehta1407
    I can’t believe what a big deal this complete non issue has become
  • @godforreal7355
    "Gender" doesn't mean "Your unique expression of being a human being" Some people get 'gender identity' confused with 'personal identity'
  • @caden8986
    I like that she can acknowledge that having masculine or effeminate qualities doesn't automatically make you the opposite gender. A huge problem with modern day gender ideology is that it makes young people confused about themselves.
  • @nerotyagi
    Can we just appreciate how she didn't get offended by Rogan's question about how she feels masculine, and went on to explain it peacefully like a normal person? People like this are rare
  • @HeelHook96
    Can anyone actually explain what it is to "feel" like a man or a woman? I've been a man for 24 years but I have no idea how it feels, I only know how it feels to be me. Does "feeling" like the opposite gender mean you just enjoy things that they stereotypically like? Why can you not just be a feminine man or a more masculine girl? Genuinely interested in any answers to this, regardless of whether you believe you can change gender or not.
  • @yakuzzi35
    I'm pretty leftist or whatever tf it's called but when she said "I think we can advocate for equal rights for trans and intersex people without having to reconceptualise what sex and gender are" that describes it perfectly to me.
  • @ChrisTopheRaz
    People need to stop being afraid of activists and cancel culture. We need to start fighting back. I’m with her, I did my psych degree, studied gender studies and minored in family studies. This culture is nothing more than creating it’s own science and being aggressive about it. That’s like musicians creating a wildly different interpretation of music and then attacking the general population of the profession for not liking it.
  • @Quantumanticz
    I was told I was gay all through Highschool. I knew I wasn’t but I was extremely tall for my age, was very skinny and extremely awkward. I grew up in the military and my father, who was what liberals would define as the embodiment of toxic masculinity, was the extremely abusive. Throughout highschool I avoided anyone or anything that reminded me of him (people who liked sports, shooting, cars, outdoors anything) and eventually I found video games which made the time pass by relatively quickly. Years later I’m married with two kids and after years of being married I eventually became comfortable with stereotypical masculine activities. However, I could easily see how if someone in my situation had been comfortable going to therapy, which I wasn’t, they could have been easily manipulated into thinking they were either homosexual or a woman.
  • @Lardzor
    Gender has moved from tangible measurable metrics of biology, to intangible metrics of personal feelings and opinions. It has transitioned from objective fact to subjective opinion. When your gender is whatever you want it to be, it stops serving an objective purpose.
  • @lewisner
    When she said "I'm into fighting and martial arts" you could see the little hearts coming out of Joes eyes.
  • @JoakimKanon
    I identify as a millionaire, but I can’t afford the operation yet.
  • I felt the same way. I use to be a Tomboy. My whole entire teenage life I felt like a boy, and felt very unattractive. As I got older and surrounded myself with people who made me feel good about myself, I became more feminine and felt truer to myself. I grew out of it after gaining more confidence about myself, but it took me till my 20s to realize this.
  • @dperr338
    I’ve never been so confused with society until now. I sat and listened to the arguments of the lgbt+++++ community or whatever they call themselves. I’ve realized you cannot have a confused individual explain themselves without yourself also being confused.
  • "I don't understand why we can't just have a fact-based conversation" The modern world in a nutshell
  • @heb725
    I'm a feminine looking woman, but growing up I've always felt more masculine. I lacked interest in feminine things and got along better with boys. Today this means I'm a different gender when in reality there are different ways of being female and I fully embrace my femininity as well as my ruggedness. As an adult now, I let reason and rationality lead the way, not emotion. I've never felt more free than to come to full grip of reality. Sadly and ironically, people today lead their lives with emotion which leads to more emptiness and depression.
  • @77XTINA
    Rogan highlights a good point when he asked her, "How do you feel more masculine?" When ultimately personality traits, at least in the modern world, are no more male or female. Gender is a biological identity, it doesn't extend to our personality anymore, as the the gender roles are fluid in our modern society and either male or female can display traits of aggressiveness or hyper sensitivity... etc So just because a male born individual has the generalised stereotype temperament of a women, doesn't mean they've been born into the wrong body. Both male and females are born with the same spectrum of emotions and capabilities for these temperaments.
  • Using somebody's preferred pronouns is not being respectful, it's accommodating their whims. It's exhausting this trends to use so many euphemisms that we end up buying into them.