One man Cigo Band 2011

Published 2011-04-10
Leto pozneje (mesec dni manj), sva se zopet srečala. V istem kraju, skoraj na istem mestu. Presenetljivo naključje. Oba sva zelo redka gosta. On je medtem prepotoval pol sveta. Nazadnje je bil menda v Indiji. V kratkem pa naj bi še v San Diego. Nisem verjel, da ga bom še kdaj videl. V trenutku me je prepoznal. Pripovedoval mi je o svojih poteh in načrtih. Na hitro, v par potezah, ko slikarski Kroki. Tako enostavno in preprosto je bilo slišati.

Že tako prijeten dan, poln sonca je postal še lepši.
Ko sem odhajal, je stal v množici poleg Prešernovega spomenika, pomešan med radovedneži, turisti, domačini, umetniki, klošarji; pil pivo in se pomenkoval. Kot da nikoli ni odšel iz Ljubljane.

All Comments (21)
  • @konsoaria
    this is a romanian can't believe this guy...his awsome,the first song is romeo fantastik-carolina
  • Превосходно!!!)) Бременский музыкант!!
  • @dannyruiz6868
    The best one man band solo I've ever heard....A touch of the natural music without all the studio manipulation...raw talent.
  • @zkl85472
    I love it and have watched it many times. I'd like to see a live performance!
  • @felineth56
    A true artist! He's Awesome!...These people are Precious!
  • @greengem418
    Notice how everyone in the crowd was smiling, I mean... how can you not?? this man is awesome!
  • How wonderful! So much creativity and talents together. I can not stop watching. Thank you, my God, for this wealth of the outside world. Iam Vilmar from the city of Posse state of Goiás Brazil.
  • @tammyphxaz
    i keep watching this guy and now (affectionately) call him "cigno man",,,cigno man rocks the shit out of it,,,love him,,cant get enough,,rock on cigno man
  • @hungnghiem7947
    Most of songs he sings are rock & roll ! Amazing performances !
  • @pedrao420
  • @della206
    If I lived there, and I was having a bad day, I would just go listen to that guy and I would feel all better :)
  • @vasilisin10
    Ovaj tip je faca !!!!!! BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO !!!!!!
  • @jrscott81
    This man lives the life I want to live.
  • @enterr99
    I am going to Croatia. Super talent, wonderful! Kisses from Poland