How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool

Published 2016-12-05
Can you actually make a disease disappear? Dr Rangan Chatterjee thinks you can. Often referred to as the doctor of the future, Rangan is changing the way that we look at illness and how medicine will be practised in years to come. He highlighted his methods in the groundbreaking BBC TV show, Doctor In The House, gaining him much acclaim from patients, his contemporaries and the media.

He is the author of the international bestseller, The 4 Pillar Plan - which has been released in the USA and Canada under the title, How to Make Disease Disappear - Rangan’s 15 years of clinical experience in the NHS includes internal medicine, immunology and general practice. A pioneer in the emerging field of progressive medicine, he also uses techniques from other disciplines he has studied including movement kinetics and functional medicine.

His own journey of learning was accelerated when family members fell ill and now Rangan is helping people to take control of their health by addressing the root causes of their illnesses, something which is often not achieved in 21st century health care, evidenced by a steady increase in the rates of chronic disease.

Rangan is a super-generalist, looking at as many factors as possible which can create wellness or illness. His talk is testament to how our thinking around the concept of disease needs to change to help form a map for future healthcare.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @biggur5
    Eat healthily, do exercise, take vitamin tabs and sleep well. That's what I've done and it's my 110th birthday next week
  • @aprilroberson27
    I have been saying for years upon years that doctors are only treating the symptoms. Finally a doctor that agrees. Thank you Lord. This guy is my hero!!!!!
  • As a naturopath I have been teaching this for years! The problem with the medical community is there is very little money to be made in teaching patients these concepts.
  • @MrHerks
    Pre diabetic, stage 2 hypertension, obese, asthma, osteoarthritis, depression and a slew of other health issues. On 7 medications and 3 inhalers, in the hospital cause I couldn’t breath. Cut out all processed foods and added sugar, walked every day, lost 120 pounds, eliminated all the medications and a year later did a 5k mud run/obstacle course. Food heals and also kills, eat it wisely
  • @judwinndzo9714
    This is deep. I'm a doctor and I completely agree. I tell people, be your own doctor coz doctors fail for themselves too!
  • @beautifulcrazy
    i discovered that doctors did not learn about nutrition at university about 3 years ago. So again modern medicine has failed billions of people. Good job for coming out Doc
  • You’re a unique MD who seems truly concern about the optimal health and wellbeing for humans. Thank you.
  • @kindgurly1
    Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is awesome. He’s a doctor with a heart.
    I was on High blood pressure meds since my late 20s. By the time I was 50 , I was on 4 different meds and they wanted to increase the dosage but I declined. I decided to change what I eat after watching Barbara O'Neills lecture on High Blood pressure. I gave up sugar and milk and there was a tiny change in my BP . When i gave up eating wheat, oh boy, my blood pressure dropped to about 96/73 with meds. I decided to stop the meds for a week to see if it will rise, and it went up to 117/76 through out and stayed there. 2 years on it is still around 117/76 without taking my meds. I told my doctor but all he said was there was no scientific proof . Two years on , I am still avoiding wheat , added sugar and milk and I am so healthy, no headaches, no flu and my skin is glowing. I have added 20/4 intermittent fasting into the mix and I feel like I am 24 yrs and not 52. Wheat has been poisoning my body all along and all I get is drugs and more drugs which only puts paper on the cracks. Now I have fixed the cracks. Let food be thy medicine or else medicine will become thy food.
  • Video in short: - Get good diet - Sunlight - Avoid environmental toxins - Get good physical activity - Healthy gut - Low stress levels (breathing) - Good sleep
  • @bobogogo1671
    Just one thing ‼️ start fasting twice a week- Monday & Thursday from sunrise to sunset ‼️ things will start falling into order ‼️
  • @briangenn6479
    Its about time a doctor talks about treating the cause rather than the symptoms.
  • “If you treat symptoms, you’ll never get rid of the disease”...
  • So so true. Now i know why my grandfather lived till 95 yrs old, without any diseases. Unfortunately he died from an accident. He was eating natural, working in farm, getting sunlight, early bed early wake, no stress, no vitamin deficiency, no overeating, no big belly, slim body.
  • About 3 years ago I tightened up my diet, started exercising 6 days a week. The last time I saw my cardiologist I had lost 30 pounds since my last visit. He didn't mention it. He didn't ask about my diet, or level of exercise. The only thing he asked was "are you taking your statins".
  • More and more people (including DOCTORS!!!) are waking up to the mind, body, spirit connection and generations and generations ahead of us will benefit greatly from this realization and new way of treating ourselves. God Bless you Dr. Rangan!!
  • @ZdendaLes
    Amazing. We need doctors like this. Not those drug dealers we have now.
  • @IS-77
    That my kind of docter... who believes in healing rather than treating symptoms
  • I am a nursing student. I studied, as a hobby eastern theories, I love and appreciate you putting forth so much passion as a medical professional. I know and will also be a part of this awareness. I think you did an amazing talk. You made amazing points that I fought before I was medically educated. I decided to get a higher education, in hopes, that people will listen to me. I live in the US and if individuals do not have letters after their name they are not considered credible or legitimate. Thank you for taking the time out of your practice and family to plant the seed. I see you and thank you.
  • @elledee3933
    Finally, someone is talking about the root cause not the symptoms, good for you Dr Chatterjee! I myself survived according to a doctor, Lung Cancer Stage 111-A, addressing the root cause and changing my diet, as well as enjoying the sun 30 minutes everyday while walking.