Fear & Hunger: An In-Depth Look at the RPG That Hates You

Published 2023-01-24
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Fear & Hunger, and it's sequel Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, are some of the most captivating games I've played in years. Equal parts compelling and infuriating, these are a hidden gem which I want to hold up to the light, so that more people might experience them. Today, join me as I take a closer look at the two Fear & Hunger games.

Steam community guide referenced by the video:

- Table of Contents -
Intro - 00:00
Fear & Hunger - 04:54
Fear & Hunger 2: Termina - 47:52

All Comments (21)
  • @sigh824
    I love how selling the kid was irredeemable, but using that same child as a meat shield was okay
  • My favourite part of fear & hunger lore is when one of the earlier builds (when the game was more of a tech demo than anything) was illegally published on a famous adult gaming website, and EVERYONE was confused as fuck as to where the sex was. At that time, you could see the bunny masks in the yard, and there was the "make love" option at ritual circles, even if no character at the time actually allowed you to make love. Since your only party member was the little girl, some tried to make love to her, and the game just went "no" and killed them instantly. This game was the one to kill an entire site's boner.
  • @Flanbweh
    Someone might've already commented this, but when you lose the coin flip for saving at a bed, it places an enemy from the area you're in next to you rather than spawning a new enemy. So if you killed all the enemies in an area, you can just retry the coin flip over and over again until you win with no consequences. This was super useful in my playthrough
  • The amount of times the Little girl is the best currency in the game made me realize how much the game tells you that this girl is not intended to live. But by doing so gives you another ending which is nice.
  • @coraline2770
    When the first enemy I lost to sawed off my legs and dumped me in a body pit and I could still play I knew I had something special
  • @Karen-0
    As someone who is 100% not going to be playing either game, congrats for making me watch all of this and +1 for a spoiler full story and lore explanation please!
  • @corelei
    Please, make a Pt.2 with ALL the spoilers. I would never play this myself but I'm invested.😂
  • The whole "They plagiarized Jesus Christ!" Thing was funny, I'm at work trying not to laugh at the absurdity of that entire statement lol
  • @mikaele
    I was really surprised to find there were ZERO deep dives on Fear and Hunger until now
  • This video singlehandedly boosted the games sales for this year. I hope the devs reach out to you, as you did an amazing job with this video
  • @NotRealAkira
    I think these games are definitely a love letter to survival horror and its themes, so I quite like the references.
  • @lemoultkev
    I remember a rpg maker games where you play as a torturer / kidnapper, very tough to play through, at first I played it because "it's a very well made game" but when I saw that you needed to trick your victims (often elderly or alone / troubled) and saw how far the torture could get "creative" I noped out there real quick, there's truly a rpg maker games for anything.
  • I know that the game was made by one Finnish guy based on an idea he got while running through a tabletop game with his friends: how far are you willing to go, what atrocities are you willing to see and experience, what permanent maiming of mind body and soul are you willing to suffer, to reach your goal? And will your morality stick with you throughout, or erode as your situation grows ever more dire? That's why he included that very triggering content you mentioned and why he made it so horribly visible and graphic and used as a really horrific and unsettling reminder that the depravity you're throwing your characters into very often does not include a swift and merciful death. Mind you, I'm one of those people who can't play the game because of the content. Maybe that's why, to me, it's so effective. It wakes up a sort of feral,reptile terror and survival instinct in me that leads to me sitting stewing in my own cortisol and adrenaline spikes for far too long.
  • @heyygallo
    In my opinion, sexual violence in F&H was handled pretty well with the exception of the Anal Bleeding effect, which just kinda feels like the game is mocking you. But the threat of SA in F&H is not gender specific and instead serves as a danger to all four player characters’ bodily autonomy, just like mutilation and dismemberment do. In my opinion, this adds an extra layer of fear to the whole thing because these monsters want to violate every aspect of the body and mind. Like you said, there’s nothing sexy or titillating about any of it, and the game is hellbent on depriving you of anything and everything that humans lean on for safety, comfort, and control. You are isolated in a dark, cold, hostile, rancid environment where every aspect of your survival, including saving your progress, is based on luck. You are traversing an unknown dungeon that constantly seeks to corrupt your body, your sanity, your morality, and your innocence. Time is not on your side and neither are the denizens of F&H, each of whom are unique and require different strategies to defeat—some of whom cannot be killed at all. To top it all off, your enemies want to defile your bodily autonomy through dismemberment, genital mutilation, sexual violence, or all three. The dungeons of F&H are quite literally hell on earth where anything one might hold sacred is meant to be desecrated.
  • as someone with some sexual assault in my history: i absolutely agree that people should be able to know what they're walking into and stay away if it's something they can't handle. SA hits a lot of us very closely in a way that violence won't always do, and i recognize that. but i disagree with the sentiment that it "didn't need to be" exclusionary in that way. some games - some Things - are not for everyone. fear and hunger dives into the horror and suffering that humanity faces, the terrible things that can happen to you, the worst of our most twisted fears. the true final boss makes that The Whole Point. and i feel the story would be severely /missing something/ if sexual horror was not included on that list. it isn't always the stuff that can kill us that causes the most pain, and you'd be leaving out a huge part of the Story of humanity's suffering if you just didn't bring up sex at all. FaH knows that, and i respect it greatly for not hiding that from the audience. i think we make a very serious mistake when we accept all manner of horrific violence, but handwring and whimper when sex becomes a part of that violence. frankly, i think when we do that, we do a disservice to people like me who've had to go through it. it Happens, it's Out There, and the only reason it feels worse to you is a mixture of the taboo of its discussion and the feeling that it's Closer to you than, say, a decapitation. but a good friend of mine saw a decapitation in broad daylight just a few months back. that shit ain't farther away. but then, that's my own experience with it. i find these things to be vital and add a lot, you found them to be unnecessary and showing too much. i don't think either of us is necessarily wrong! I'm just offering my own thoughts.
  • @skuarf
    About Levi's heroin addiction: There is a video by Sir Ash Lorn that shows you can cure the addiction by letting Levi die in combat and reviving him in the same fight with Daan's skill Magna Medica. You have to sacrifice a limb to use the skill but an armguard can prevent this if you choose Daan's arm (probably will get patched).
  • I will say that the character s endings in the first Fear and Hunger were added in after the game came out and the dev have said that they are planning on adding more content to Termina
  • @gghostified
    46:05 personally, its more disturbing for me when you imagine the horrors or the trauma the character has to go through. like in caharas s ending with how he became rich and was living with his girl, but was traumatized and never lived a fulfilling life in the end. i dont know how to exactly put it into words but best i could describe it is giving sentience to fictional characters that you can adore- or imagining yourself in their shoes
  • @sliskinalpha
    One small thing to add: Fear and Hunger 2, while released, isn't fully finished yet. The dev plans on adding more areas, more endings as well as eventually, every Termina contestant to be playable.