What Will NATO Do Directly After It Flies By?

Published 2023-01-31

All Comments (21)
  • I'm 64 and my father was Army Corp of Engineers. Built the building they nuked in Nevada. Committed suicide when I was 13 He was working on the Nuclear plant on Lake Michigan...he did not kill himself.
  • @Paygelove
    Jesus is going to be here SOON … the end DAYS .. two days .. two thousand years .. the end days started when Jesus died .. we are almost home family
  • Lot of love from lower lower Michigan. Frozen state Such strange stuff
  • @musicmoonk
    Bless you brother Dave and all here love to you May we remain faithful guarding the love of God shed abroad in our hearts sun or moon day or night Strong help the weak
  • @JassiJo
    Its been years that you have been tracking this.. many of us, right there along with ya. Thanks for always being reliable and for always paying attention. Cheers 🙏💙
  • @nathippo
    Thanks Dave . Much love from Australia 🥰🥰🥰
  • @mickermouser
    Thank You Dave for another Great video. As for my thoughts, let's just say I'm ready for Jesus to come take us Home :) God Bless awaiting your next video!
  • @freebird8886
    God is in control he's the only one that knows the end date for he created the beginning of all things and in his timeline all evil will be will wiped from the face of the earth how to be prepared is to be right with God your creator 🙏
  • God Bless You. What is your thoughts on when earth will go through the debris trail of Planet X. Could you consider doing another video with more specifics on what we would expect in March and August/September. Thanks for all your efforts.
  • Just cleared out my Karma closet so we are free to roam about the cabin. I will ride the wave where it takes me just like every day, trust in Father/Mother/ Spirit has gotten me this far and I’m grateful for the gift.🙏🏻
  • It will be quite apropos for the system (namely Nibiru, traveling along °with° the 8 planet Nemesis system) to create the 3 days of darkness when it phases in closer to 3D (before the time of transition at the end of those 3 days). Our physical bodies will be massively changing to adapt to the next step. In this freewill universe, that time when Niburu does FULLY phase in to 3D, will be the time when EVERYone moves to their next step on their evolutionary path. Some may choose to stay 3D, some will not even qualify for graduation and some will just go on to their next mission. And many will ascend along WITH our planet to 5D (her original status). But this is what Nibiru does. The creator and destroyer of worlds, it has been here with us for quite some "time" already, ready to make it's move when our planet says go. Lol, Nibiru is answering an SOS call that our planet put out that she was dying, the decision was made to allow her surface population to "go with". So WE have been granted a very historical GIFT. And even afted the way we've treated her, she still loves us enough to grant us this blessing. Thanks Dave 😊. What an amazing time to be alive! 💜🌎💜
  • @jeffsnyder210
    I see "hurricane" by cannons at 1:21, top right corner in your playlist... Very cool and very appropriate for the topic of conversation