Starfield Things to Know Mods

Published 2024-07-13

All Comments (21)
  • Just a heads up that paid mods are prone to problems. You mentioned this but I wanted to double down on some of these: the companion robin has an animation problem and her face is static, she also doesnt have any skills (dunno if its a bug) and youll gain affinity with her when you tweak your ship even if you havent met her. There's also a verified creation that goes by "beowulf healthy parts" or something that as far as I know doesnt do anything and dont even have a description that makes sense. The vulture questline by bethesda themselves has a buggy weapon, so in my book your best bet quality wise is to stick with free mods.
  • @Ridingharleys
    1 tip: never install mods to a working previous save... login and create a second exit save. Load that save and test the mod, any issues with it you can force close the game remove the mod and no harm done IMO.
  • After many years of using mods on Fallout 4 on Xbox & encountering many a nightmare, I recommend disabling a mod before deleting it to remove any save file dregs Also putting 'constant use' mods at the very bottom of all load orders, mods such as Improve Follower Behaviour at the very bottom with Flashlight, clothing, damage, boostpack, environmental seal, hair mods etc directly above it Shipbuilding mods in following order, list adjustments, hide empty habs, all parts added, ship size, more modules, cargo container adjustments more engines/weapons, more reactor power/grav jump range, shield increase, more attachment points, better ship part flips, colorize ship parts, P.A.B. Crew skill boosts, ship tools (register, open/close bay door etc), anything that can be made on a workbench such as ship repair parts (auto repairs etc) Putting a mod such as Darkstar at the very bottom WILL cause serious conflicts with any mod that adjusts ship values for engines, grav jump distance etc, the worst conflicts will be with mods that add attachment points or flip parts as anything that's been attached by an added attachment point or been flipped by another mod will be completely missing from you ship in shipbuilder with 'UNATTACHED PARTS' as a permanent message, with the missing parts nowhere to be seen & no assigned weapons. It will also overwrite add more weapons & engine mods resulting in 'Too many weapons' & ' too much engine power' etc Meaning you'll have to move something like 'Darkstar' upwards in your load order above any mods that adjust values/ quantity/number of, or add attachment points or flip parts to fix it. Delete any saves the were added after you added the offending mod that messed things up to remove any conflict dregs that could infect future saves (Important!). If you were insane enough to add the fanboy idiot & want the fangirl mod, put it near the bottom but above any clothing, hair, flashlight, boostpack, add weapons, follower behaviour etc mods as these mods will have a very negative impact if you use the village idiot fangirl as a companion or give them mod clothing, weapons etc to wear or use, ie no head/hands & an invisible weapon (which can become permanent even after deleting the mods & going back to vanilla without much save deleting, prior to first mod installation & reinstalling the game, which could potentially put you back many, many levels or even a new game from level one
  • @skyriminspace
    Nice general info & advice thanks. & that sunrise at the end.... holy crap. This game is gorgeous & atmospheric sometimes!
  • First of all I am glad you XBox Players can enjoy the fun of a totally overmodded game and the fiddeling with load orders and compability patches to make it work. 😉😆 Something that we pc folk know for a long time. On PC Mod Organizer 2 is the best way to mod Bethesda games imo.
  • @BB_usmc
    I'm enjoying heavily modded FO4 and Skyrim ATM, but in anticipation of upcoming Starfield mods, I'm going to eventually reinstall Starfield. I enjoy your content and thank you for sharing your Starfield recommendations.
  • In my last playthrough emma wilcox was invisible from the waist down and there were 2 electronics cabinets clipping through vladimir's table in the Eye. Those were the extent of my problems and I havent yet found what may have caused them, but since then I decided to start a new playthrough and Im 50% confident at least one of these wont happen again, because of how mods may mess up some things mid playthrough.
  • @LadyAnnt
    Thaaaaank you for making this video . Very helpful. Your video should be added to the mod community for people like me. I do have a question, di i have to kand on venus ti rest. Can i lamd on any planet reset? If yes to landing on Venis. How does that work ? What makes Venus the planet to reset? Again thank you
  • im kinda happy that modders finally ger paid. cause i learned from someone who has a lot of popualr mods, and donation dont really do much. and ofc it doesnt. whos gonna bring out their wallet during during their 300 mods download sprint
  • @XKathXgames
    Always important to reatart the game. Also clean savefiles before updates. Because restarting is necessary its a good idea to have installed the skip bethesda intro mod. Makes things much faster.
  • How do I get a headless Adoring Fangirl? That would be GREAT!
  • @shawng2856
    Could you give a category break down? How they should be placed? Cause everyone has a different order. Just curious how you do it. Thanks
  • @PresterMike
    Dude when you say it needs to go “after” You need to clarify if after means above it or below it. How did you not specify that?
  • I'm 72 yo and I have never done a mod even though I can see that they could benefit my game experience. I am still scared of ruining what I have achieved so far (level 178) I can't ever hope to remedy any problems, so I just resist these. Am I too scared?
  • @falconnm
    Without any mods loaded I've had a companion with no body at all, just clothes & a gun. 🙂