German Town Jamaica, Documentary

Published 2022-02-24
German Town: The Lost Story Of Seaford Town Jamaica.
A documentary on a German founded village in the mountains of Westmoreland Jamaica.
Interviews with the descendants of the original German migrants who remain in the village and a display of the German remnants of culture and heritage living on in the village to this day.
Copyright 2012/2022 D. Ritter.
Directed and produced by David Ritter. All rights reserved.

All Comments (21)
  • @mawdyardie
    Iam half German and half Jamaican,and watching this made me feel very connected to these People
  • @WrighteousBrand
    they don't have to be afraid to share their history and speak of their people because in jamaica we welcome everyone we dont see color we see character. i'm from Manchester Jamaica and have also lived in St Elizabeth and we have plenty white folks living in these areas and we all lived as one we never look at anyone color i'm so grateful for this documentry. my great great grandma is white. lets continue to live in one love as we always have dont let outside influence change us we love our Jamaican people no matter their ethnicity. One Love One Heart.
  • @ioniedavids414
    Manners and Respekt Codie 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾, Love your poem. Am a Jamaicain 🇯🇲 living here in Germany 🇩🇪, am a mother of two children plus my stepson and a grandmother of 7 beautiful adorable blessings grandchildren and they all Born here in Germany 🇩🇪, this country welcome me and and my family so much, the opportunities that was given to us here am so so thankful and grateful for it, this Documentary was very inspiring and interesting . I just wish we could all just live as one ☝🏾. Learn to start by loving Respecting and understanding each others more. Just come together and live as one . Love and Blessings all 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
  • I've been German Town several times as I have family in Westmoreland. They're Jamaicans just like the rest of us, and I love the diversity of my island.
  • @juliebee2494
    My father was born in Seaford Town. The very sad thing is that we were never taught about this very important part of our / Jamaica's history in school. It should be included in the curriculum.
  • @marcblair3781
    My father grew up on Berkshire, not too far from Westmoreland. I never knew about the German town until I went to visit my family in Berkshire. We stopped off at a little shop in Seaford, where a woman and her daughter worked. It turns out they knew my father and he had been going to that shop since he was little.
  • So many people are ignorant about history. Not necessarily their fault. It’s good to read, study and learn
  • @Addi_Teacha509
    That young man with the hat will go far, he has a great heart.
  • I was born and raised in Kingston Jamaica in 1961 migrate to USA in 1993 and I was never taught of German history or that Germans are living in Seaford in Jamaica so surprised when I came up on documentary,thanks for info,like the motto says out of many we are one
  • @Xedd1
    bro noway !! that bradley eldemire kid was my classmate back at meadowbrook high in 2010-15. i never questioned his heritage but seeing this makes me super happy i was close friends with a german.
  • @Therealroom316
    I am a Jamaican, born and raised of German, British, African heritage. My German ancestors lived in Manchester. Migrating to the USAand serving in the military, we are now actually living in Germany and I am learning so much about that part of my ancestry living here. This is so heart breaking to hear and see something that I never ever thought existed in Jamaica. Classism yes, racism no. If yuh born ah Jamaica, yuh ah Jamaican, regardless wey yuh ancestors come from. Out of many (race, color, creed), we ARE one. 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇩🇪🇩🇪 and proud🇯🇲🇯🇲
  • The school curriculum needs to include this history. Beautiful poem the young man read.
  • @chubs8127
    This is where am from, it's so good to see some familiar faces that are still alive.
  • My grandmother was German. She gave me the most beautiful person I’ve met this lifetime….my dad. He’s the best human being I’ve been blessed to know. RIP dad. Your legacy lives on.
  • @holgermessner851
    I just stumbled over this video. I'm now 60 years old. Left Germany in 2005 because I couldn't find work in my area anymore. Moved to Canada. In 2019, I booked a flight to Panama to escape the Canadian winter months. Pandemic stranded me in Panama. After 2 years trying to get back to Canada, I thought: "Actually why? I can stay here too." Since 2019, I am here. Traveled as a young guy a lot. But in this video, it came up what I did hear everywhere I had a talk with people. "You Germans are very hard workers!" In Canada I worked 70-100 hours a week. After 5 years I got me a house. No vacation. Always work. 2 years ago, I bought a lot in Panama from the little money I had left. Started this year to build my house. All by myself. My neighbors think that I am crazy. "Why are you working so hard? Enjoy life." I thought about it for a couple of seconds and said: "I enjoy life. I am happy when I can work very hard on my house." I have no help. So everything is done by myself. So it must be true. We Germans are hard workers. 😊 I have a girlfriend here in Panama. When she comes to the lot and we passing the farmers on the way, she has a small talk with them. "Your "husband" is working very hard on the house." - So my girlfriend is always saying: Wow. They really respect you. Well. I'm German. I can't deny it. 😂
  • @mathstar4176
    David Ritter is an incredible documentary movie maker. We think he should try his hand at a feature film now.
  • This is so amazing, I was born in Jamacia and never knew of this part of history. This town should be on the tourist map like the Maroon towns, showing the various culture of Jamaica. This is what makes Jamacia unique, I pray this small town stay strong. I like the lady fiesty reply to the taxi man, had i been in her situation i would have responded the same. I can see they are proud to be Jamacians. Thank you for the education.
  • @dianabraley8307
    That one farmer looked like Paul Newman. Wow, the German European features are strong in Seaford Town. I believe my grandmother was descended from these Germans. She had grey eyes and very light skin. She was from Trelawny which was listed as one of the towns settled by the German migrants. Jamaica is rich in history. Let's just all get along.
  • I think I’ve seen a previous documentary about Germans living in Jamaica, but watching this one just brought up some stirred up feeling inside of me which made me want to write this comment. Me being a Jamaican, heard of slavery and the slave trade, and Christopher Columbus discovering Jamaica and all the others things that we were taught in school. We were never taught the whole truth about anything that happened back then. We still don’t know half of what took place back then because the veil has been covering our eyes all these years. It is now that I’m grown and have moved away from Jamaica, that I have researched and learned so much more about some of these things. I’m more enlightened and able to see the wickedness and the atrocities that were done to us as a black race and to other races too. But.... make no mistake, of all the races in the world, black people have been treated like shit by every other race, and even now when umpteenth of years have passed, and you think the racism and the mistreatment of black people would have stopped, it still exists everywhere. I know everyone is not racist but it still exists largely in a lot of countries. Even in our own Jamaica, it exists. Just as how black people were brought here from Africa and lost their identities, so were these Germans. I feel sorry for them that they felt that they didn’t want to mix with black people, therefore they kept their breed amongst themselves. Likewise, I can understand how and why black resent white people because of the history of the brutal treatment and slavery which they inflicted on us. If no other race understands that, then try being a black person in a racist white person’s world. We have every right, never to forget where we came from and under what circumstances we got here. These Germans didn’t teach their children their language and did not teach their children their heritage. They know where they came from but maybe none of their traditions are with them now. How do they think we feel?Black people were taken forcibly from their homeland, brought to a different country. We lost loved ones, cultures, languages, identities, taking on white men’s names, and still had to live and survive in the worst of conditions. Yes, our motto is out of many one people, but just the way we were brought here unwillingly, they were brought here unwillingly. We are the only race I see that is willing to forgive and forget our history to marry into any other race. Many times, other races are not so accepting of us marring into their races. You heard what that old white woman said. Don’t mix with them!!!! Lady, if we all had choices to make a decision as to where we wanted to live, most of us wouldn’t be where we found ourselves today. Life goes on and we have to try to make the best of our situations. So whether you are Black, White, Chinese, or whatever mixed up races you find yourselves in, be thankful for life and stop looking at the color of other peoples skin. Never forget where you’re coming from but live with love and try to be at peace with all men.