Dead by Daylight - Bendy and the Ink Machine / Bendy: Chase Theme

Published 2023-11-28
The Ink Demon~

This was one I felt everyone wanted to see made, I had it on my mind for awhile until recently making the music for it! I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think!

BATIM belongs to: TheMeatly Games
Dead by Daylight: Behavior Interactive

All Comments (21)
  • @cey_ner
    "Alright, Joey. Let's see if I can find what you wanted me to see."
  • @tikki2340
    Best part of these for me are how you harmonize sound effects, like bubbles or the scraping of blades. You morph things into instruments to make a sound I don’t get to hear anywhere else. Phenomenal stuff
  • @InkStudios2017
    Honestly, this is the best Bendy chase theme for DBD I’ve currently heard. I kinda thought Bendy’s chase theme and nearing would follow something like Batim’s chase theme, but this truly feels truly like the Ink Demon from Batdr and I enjoy it for that and the intimidating build-up to the chase. Honestly, the only thing that I wish could be added is that either ink particles or a gray screen appear for survivor when he gets close like the games, but that would break the rules of the game I feel.
  • Words cannot describe how badly I want the Ink Demon to be in Dead by Daylight. And if he ever comes to the game, they better hire you for the soundtrack because this is amazing.
  • I LOVE how the chase theme sounds like a pumping machine!!! That's such an awesome choice that I genuinely can't stop thinking about it 🤯🤯🥰
  • @sunny_172
    The moment I heard that familiar uncanny violin play at 0:36, I knew that this would be another 10/10 Really hits all the right marks on what the chase music for the Ink Demon would be
  • @darkestdock675
    In all honesty, coming into this as a Bendy fan who holds little interest for DBD, I would seriously consider getting the game if bendy actually showed up. This sounds awesome. Keep up the great work my guy. This is praiseworthy work right here.
  • @nuketea4395
    New killer: The Ink Demon Height: Very tall Terror radius: 32 m Special abillity: Ink pools The Ink Demon starts trial with 6 available Ink pools. He can place them on the ground wherever he wants until all six are up. When all 6 pools are up, he cannot place or replace them anymore. The Ink Demon can "teleport" to these pools. Doing so, will create another pool in the place from where The Ink Demon teleported, but the pool you teleported to will be gone. (Imagine him like sorta turning into this pool and pool he teleported to turning into him at the same time, similiar to Hag traps. Does that make sense?). The Ink Demon is slowed down to a point where almost can't move for two seconds after he teleports. After each teleport, abillity goes on a 20 second cooldown. Special abillity: Ink leap The Ink Demon can press and hold power button for 3 seconds, while being slightly slowed down to charge up Ink leap and then press attack button to activate it. After activating, The Ink Demon turnes his body into pure Ink and makes a leap forward, wich can get over short objects. After the leap, Ink Demon needs two seconds to restore his body to be able to move again. Survivors, that were hitted with Ink leap, are covered in Ink for 30 seconds and their icon gets Black Ink-like background. If covered in Ink survivors get hit by Ink leap again, they loose a health state. After 30 seconds pass, covered in Ink survivors become clean again. If inked survivor interacts with an Object such as generator, locker, pallet, window etc. this Object covers in Ink too for 30 seconds. If clean survivor interacts with inked Object, he becomes inked too. If inked survivor interacts with clean survivor, clean survivor becomes inked. If something that triggers covering in Ink action happens with already inked survivors (this includes Ink leap) 30 seconds timer of inked status of these survivors is reset. Special ally: Ink monster 20 seconds after Ink pool has been placed, an Ink monster will get out of it and then another monster after another 20 seconds and so on, until they reach maximum amount of 4. Ink monsters will roam the map. If Ink monster touches survivor, this survivor becomes inked and if survivor is already inked, he looses a health state. Ink monsters can be killed by pallets, however doing so will Ink this survivor and pallet. After being killed, another Ink monster spawns from a random Ink pool if 45 seconds have passed. Special item: Pipe Three aditional chests spawn on the map. Each of them contains a pipe, but only three will contain a regular item. If Ink monster touches survivor with pipe, that survivor automatically uses pipe to kill Ink monster. Pipe will break, survivor will be inked and monster will respawn after 45 seconds. Every 60 seconds opened chest will close, regaining pipe. Perks: Hex: Looks so alive!: Once you were a childish dream, now you are everyone's nightmare. Every time you break a pallet, you gain 5%/10%/15% buff to breaking speed up to 50% Every time you vault a window in chase, you gain 5%/10%/15% buff to vaulting speed up to 50% These buffs don't stack with other breaking/vaulting speed buffs. Mischievous smile: Your brutal actions combined with neverdying smile terrifies your victims, making them weak. Everytime you down a survivor, you become Undetectable for 20/25/30 seconds and after you loose Undetectable effect, every survivor in 12 meter radius of you screams and becomes exposed for 6/8/10 seconds. After that, this perk goes on 30 seconds cooldown. Omnipresent: It feels like you are everywhere. Everytime you kick a generator, random generator on a map gains a 32 meter terror radius for 45 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 45 seconds.
  • This reminds me of a concept for a bendy chapter I came up with! Here you guys can read it and tell me what you think. Dead by daylight: the inky abyss chapter New Survivor: Audrey Drew New Killer: The Ink Demon Audrey Drew: A quick thinking, and mysterious cartoonist with a strange biological makeup that none can describe. Her perks: Banishment, Born From Darkness and Improvisation, allow her to adapt to challenges easier, combat killer hexes and scourge hooks better, and help carry her that extra step forward in a chase. Banishment: Upon entering the dark puddles, you were granted powers Beyond even the studios knowledge, and you use that to your advantage. If you are affected by a scourge hook, or a hex totem, you are granted a token, up to three tokens. If close to a scourge hook, or a hex totem, you can use your active ability button 2, to *banish* the scourge hook, or hex totem, cleansing it instantly and removing it from the trial. Banishing consumes one token. Born from Darkness: You were created from the inky Abyss, thus your attributes far exceed that of any human.  At the beginning of a trial, this perk activates. If Uninjured, you can use your active ability button 2 to grant yourself a 10% increase in movement speed for 10 seconds.    If you are injured, the perk ability will change. Using your active ability button 2 whilst injured, will temporarily put you back into the uninjured state for 30 seconds, silencing pained groans, and stopping blood trails. If you are hit in this state, you are inflicted with the deep wound effect. Using this perk will apply the exhausted status effect for 90 seconds. Improvisation: Roaming through the studio, you've encountered various different tools to help you survive, and have learnt a thing or two about crafting items, by making do with what you have. If you have an item in hand, and have worked on a generator for 30 seconds, this perk activates. Upon entering a locker, you are able to use active ability button 2, upon activating this perk, you will be given an uncommon/rare/very rare add-on to your item. This perk will then deactivate. The Ink Demon: Very hard. A suffocating, and terrifying killer even the entity fears, able to change the rules of the trial, and seperate survivors for prolonged periods of time, as well as apply immense pressure with his power **the dark puddles**.  His perks, Hex: Fear The Demon, Dark Revival, and Little Devil Darling, allow him to take away escape routes from survivors, give him a final advantage during the end game trial, and make for easier chases after getting stunned. Speed: Normal 120% Height: Tall Terror radius size: 30 metres. Power: The Dark Puddles: This realm belongs to you, regardless of who tries to deny that, they will all fall to your complete evil. The Ink Demon's terror radius is accompanied by *Ink Aura.* Which is half the size of the terror radius. If a survivor is in chase with the ink demon, and are within the ink aura, they will be inflicted with the *tainted* status effect. The longer a survivor remains in the aura, or if they walk through pools of ink, they will become more tainted. If a survivor is fully tainted, and upon Downing the survivor, you are given the prompt of *Studio Entrapment.* Upon entrapping a survivor, they are sent to **The Studio**, a realm where your powers truly overwhelm the survivors, forcing them into an incredibly dangerous and unfair world, filled with violent and hostile creatures, that exist to diminish their chances of survival. The layout of the studio changes every trial. While a survivor is in The Studio, they must find a "End Reel", and a "Projector" to escape, alternatively, survivors not entrapped can rescue the entrapped survivor from the studio by pulling them out of ink pools. The Ink Demon can enter the studio, within the studio, your teleport ability has a shorter cool down, furthermore, you can use your active ability button 2 when looking at a survivor to inflict **Wrath**, upon inflicting wrath on a survivor they will experience a brief jumpscare, and their vision will be slightly distorted. They will also stumble and trip, slowing them down for a brief moment. Wrath has a cool down of 30 seconds. If a Survivor remains too long within the studio, the ink demon gains the ability to kill them if he enters the studio regardless of where he is. The timer is paused when the Ink Demon enters the studio, or if they are downed. The Ink Demon can entrap multiple survivors within the studio, however, the more survivors trapped in the studio, the longer the cool down for *Studio Entrapment* lasts. Within the studio, the Ink Demon's terror radius is replaced with deep, groaning noises, and a slower heartbeat, he also has no red stain. The closer the survivors get to their objective, the more dangerous the studio becomes, to slow their progress. If a survivor is hit by one of the many monsters within the studio they scream and reveal their location to the Ink demon. If a survivor manages to escape the studio whilst the ink demon is inside it, the ink demon will be teleported back to the entity's realm, and all survivors become untainted. His power will also go on a long cool down. If a survivor is fully tainted, and they make a loud noise, the Ink Demon can *teleport* to the location they made a loud noise at. This ability has a cooldown of twenty seconds. Perks: Hex: Fear The Demon: your power is so immensely suffocating, even the entity submits to your will. While this hex totem is standing, upon Downing all 4 survivors once you can call upon the entity to block 4 vault windows of your choosing permanently. This perk persists so long as the associated hex totem is standing. "*I am the Ink Demon. This realm is mine.*"-The Ink Demon Dark Revival: Nothing will prevent you from ruling the realm, not even the rules the entity has in place. When the exit gates are powered, all hex totems that were destroyed during the trial reappear, and are unable to be cleansed for 30 seconds. If there are any boon totems in the trial, they will be primarily targetted by Dark Revival. This perk has a one time use. "*The road is shut, you are cut off. Surrounded. Now you die!*"-The Ink Demon Little Devil Darling: Their feeble attempts to escape amuse you, and fuel your blood lust.  Upon being stunned by a pallet, you gain a token, up to four tokens. each token grants a speed increase of 5%, this effect lasts until you injure the survivor that stunned you. "*Tell me your sweet that I may devour it.*"-The Ink Demon Mori: when survivor is fully tainted, the ink demon looms over the survivor as they stand up, he then stabs them through the chest and takes them into the inky depths, once they arrive in the studio, the ink demon drags them towards the ink machine and throws them over the railing into the dark abyss, the ink machine then spits out an unrecognisable inky body. The ink demon then returns to the entity's realm. When not fully tainted, the Ink Demon stabs the survivor through their chest, lifting them off of the ground, they slowly slide down his claws, staring into his open mouth, the camera then pans to behind the demon and we see him eat the survivors head just a blood splatter cuz dbd, he then throws them aside. Voicelines: Hit 1: "Your intoxicating." Hit 2: "the darkness consumes all..." Hit 3: "Your soul is miiiiiiiiine!" Hit 4: "More..." Swing noises: deep roars and howls. Pallet stun 1: "You dare defy Me?!" Pallet stun 2: "You cannot escape the dark puddles.." Pallet stun 3: "Pest..." Studio entrapment 1: "darkness awaits.." Studio entrapment 2: "Eternal suffering will be your only company.." Studio Entrapment 3: "Join the dark puddles.." Entering the studio 1: "I can feel your fear.." Entering the studio 2: "Nowhere to run.." Entering the studio 3: "Arise my domain! Destroy them!" Mori *fully tainted*: "The ink calls for you." Mori *untainted*: "I will tear you apart!" Hooking a survivor 1: "What a waste.." Hooking a survivor 2: "Not worth my time.." Hooking a survivor 3: "*angry snarl.*"
  • @fabikachu4836
    Love how the build up sounds very old wooden building like really capturing the vibe of chapter 1 and 2 from the original game while the actual chase has an almost industrial machine like sound to it capturing both the old timey vibe of batim as well as the bioshock industrial like vibe the later chapters of the first game and most of the dark revival had. Really well done!
  • @Roberts_Stuff
    Man I miss BATIM so much. It’s a classic to the indie horror community, and I just like the design of the ink demon from the og game. This soundtrack is amazing. Thank you for bringing back some of my old nostalgia :)
  • @Ethier12
    The theme is so gloopy and has a great anticipation at the beginning, but the actual chase and right before that are incredible. I LOVE IT!!! Second best to the Death chase theme definitely . Keep it up man 🤩
  • @Triggered6277
    Love the sounds of the bubbling and boiling of ink and then the squeaking and creaking of the machine itself as it begins pumping out ink in the very near and chase sections
  • @HelloYesAmWoman
    Adore this alot, feels right out of Both games. The ambiance for the distant that gets built up over the course of the track is perfect. Directly as if The Ink Demon pulled the force of the studio with him along into The Fog. And the Chase theme, god, I don't know if it was intentional but the beat makes it sound like the gears and insides of the Ink Machine running which is stellar (it even sounds like the one from in-game), sells the desperation even better. Also have to comment on the little bubbling noises that go on throughout, they fit in amazingly and just add such an otherworldly feeling to the track that not alot of people can get right. Solid shit my man 10/10
  • New Killer : The Cartoon Abilities : Ink phasing: Allow a The Cartoon to traspassing wall, traspassing wall earn 5% Movement for 5 second Perks : Maleficent: cursed figures - Cardboard dolls will be distributed throughout the map, the survivors upon seeing one will suffer in a state of confusion which will accumulate their status, destroying the totem will reveal its location to the nearby survivors of that totem for 16/23/39 meters Torture Hooks: Time to sleep - Hanging a survivor will cause them to be blinded and they will not be able to distinguish the distance that the murderer is, the probability of escape is reduced by 15/22/36% per account, when unhooked by another survivor both will suffer from blindness due to 5 seconds Dreams will come true : Maintaining the chase for 10 seconds grants you 5% movement speed, prolonging it for 10 more seconds grants you the undetectable status
  • @J-Nova
    If people find bendy as another not-scary kids indie game, just listen to this
  • HELL YES HELL YES HELL YES! FINALLY!!! My car broke down, I burned my pizza, and I accidentally slept through a test and this has made my entire year! Thank you!