Breaking Barriers in Therapy: Opening Up and Moving Forward

Published 2024-07-04
This week licensed therapist Kati Morton talks about whether or not we can be in therapy for too long, ways we can start seeing ourselves as survivors rather than victims, and when we should use coping skills versus sitting with the uncomfortable feeling. Finally, she discusses the ways we can open up more in therapy, finally share our trauma, and how to become more social and outgoing.

AUDIENCE QUESTIONS for episode 223 of Ask Kati Anything

1. Hi Kati! I have been in counseling/therapy on and off for the last 7 years. I have always been an advocate of therapy and I encourage other people to do it. However, lately I am feeling an aversion. I think that I am seeing it as a futile exercise. Which is probably due to shame about not breaking some of my self-sabotaging patterns. I have not lost the trust in the process, however, I have probably lost the faith in myself to do the work. How do I overcome that? 01:05

2. Hi Kati, recently I’ve been struggling to cope with having been sexually assaulted and groomed in the past. How do I go from seeing myself as a survivor, rather than a victim? 07:00

3. I’m obsessing over the thought that I’ve been in therapy too long. I started in 2019, and since then many life calamities have happened that greatly complicated the work I was trying to do. Big disruptions such as Covid, and more normal life issues - a spouse retiring, stressful personal health issues, a parent’s health scare, a big move, kids starting a new school, financial instability, essential home renovations while financially struggling, and now living in very close proximity to the family members responsible for the childhood abuse and neglect... 11:54

4. I was wondering when you should use coping skills versus sitting with the uncomfortable feeling. My therapist is using exposure therapy and says part of exposure therapy is not using things to calm my anxiety but rather sit with the feeling. By doing this, my body will learn that I am actually not under threat and the anxiety will decrease on its own. I don't want to be rude and question my therapist but it just doesn't make sense to me. I have been an inpatient, gone through a partial hospitalization program, and seen a few different therapists who have all stressed the importance of knowing and using coping skills. So now I am just confused. Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated. 21:36

5. I have been diagnosed with DID and have been seeing my therapist whom I love the past 2.5 years. Recently, I realized that he still doesn't know a lot of my trauma. My parts are really wanting to come out and tell him their story, but I keep blocking them and intellectualizing the details of the trauma. My parts just want to cry, but I am scared to let them. What can I do? This is really bothering me. 28:41

6. Hi Kati, how do I become more social and outgoing? My entire life I’ve been shy and everyone around me has seen it as a huge flaw. Even my mom said to me when I was a kid that she wishes I was more like [insert extroverted friend’s name here]. I just find that my social battery drains so fast and I’m scared my friends are gonna get to the point where they don’t want me around anymore. That’s been happening to me my whole life and it makes me so sad. No matter how lonely I am, I can't seem to change myself. Any help would be so appreciated. 36:46

Are u ok?

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Linnea Toney [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • "To bear children into this world is like carrying wood to a burning house." -Peter Wessel Zapffe
  • @ila.v
    The first question was mine. Thank you so much for answering it. It is really insightful. I have used CBT tools to talk me out of negative self-talks. For now, I am trying to get back to it and trying to distance myself from my triggers.
  • @Riverman2012
    As a UK based Gen Xer, we never had a lot of support growing up through the 80s and 90s. Therapy was something that 'crazy' people had and there doesnt seem to be many avenues to follow when we need support now either, other than going to see a doctor. I am envious of the US approach to therapy. So many times in my life i have needed guidance and advice, and a professional ear would have been (and still would be) a blessing. Your videos have helped a lot Kati. Even though its not 1-to-1 they give me the strength i need, thank you.
  • @KeifusMathews3
    Because my dad said I would never amount to sh*T. Too bad he didn't live long enough to see how wrong he was. but the pain is still there lurking....Thanks Katie
  • I find more emotional support with our dog. therapy feels like talking to a stranger that is forced to listen to me. or like talking to a walls. I worked out most of my issues on my own . I would be dead silent with a counselor. journaling and our dog were life savers for my emotional health. my favorite coping skill is listening to music. it goes over my head that therapist give us emotional support.
  • @deezlife
    Thank you for your thoughts. I have come a long way but still working on the victim surviver battle and feeling and processing those emotions. Talking is so hard!
  • @mattesrocket
    Hurts so much seeing you, being so good. I tried in my life about 8 psychotherapists but they all never understood things like you do, sooner or later always these I call it unprofessional sentences came which were just hurting and then I had to stop each time the therapy. You are so different, just really professional and not hurting.
  • @felixthecat4584
    Would love to learn more about "Bridge statements" and what to do to build faith in myself! That would make a great video.
  • @ihartevil
    I know I got taught not to believe in myself and why I twisted my brain to make sure I studied and stuff and actually went to great lengths to learn The things that I got taught never learn and never believe in yourself you want something get it yourself So with that I created study sheets in high school when I was ready to start studying (9th grade I already knew all that stuff and when I got told to work with somebody his question to me was why do you want to learn so instead we faed off and just talked instead of doing any classwork) 10th grade comes around I created my study sheets to say cheat sheets to get me to learn and my teacher saw it and it confused her but she knew I didnt use as anything more then a study sheet and that my brain cheated for me by memorizing it and yes I legitimately said that in front of the entire class because thats how I am It got one of my friends to make cheat sheets instead of study sheets but it didnt last very long with him and I forget why Once I got used to the study thing I dropped it because I didnt need to think like that anymore and I started to believe in myself more it was the severe to debilitating depression that came up at times that was hard to push past (in high school that went away) college it came back due to doing to much at once and my parents forcing me on full schedules
  • When you were talking about rocking back and forth to self soothe I actually felt sadness for me as a little girl as it brought back a memory. When I was 4/5 I slept in the spare bedroom of our house. I was allowed a few things of my own in there but had to move out of it when guests came to stay. I don't know why I didn't have my own bedroom as there were enough rooms. Anyway it did mean I got to sleep in a double bed. Every night when I went to bed I would get on all fours and rock and rock backwards and forwards on that bed to self soothe-so much I would rock the matress off the bed onto the floor. Bearing in mind it was a big mattress,that was a lot of rocking. Of course nobody came to check on me even though they could hear me. I would eventually fall asleep-once I was exhausted-on the floor on the mattress. For years I didn't understand why I did this. I was obviously very sad and was trying to comfort myself. My family would mock me for this behaviour but I couldn't stop. I'm in a much better place now and have found a lovely therapist who is helping me a great deal
  • For anyone who relates to question 6, I highly recommend the book Quiet, by Susan Cain
  • Kati i need your help. I dated a guy and i realized he was a narcissist. I should have left then but he admitted to having traits so he got into therapy. He was an open book and gave me his ex wifes number. She told me he has traits. I didnt realize he fits yhe criteria until i literally showed him the list and he pointed out a few he has. Eventually i left him but i wonder if psychotherapy could have helped him.
  • @marinakiell1069
    You still have that old picture or artwork you used to have in the older videos? You should use that as your backdrop in these Thursday videos
  • @ihartevil
    Actually that ended up being my bad omen i warned a few youtubers about when i also dealt with dissociation and :( with chyna i do not remember much but i know my bad omen i got very scared with them but now we deal with things as they come up
  • @ihartevil
    I also found out my new biggest fear losing all of my friends that counts for my youtube friends I feel like it almost happened One of my online friends wasnt themselves and almost blocked me because of it but I knew what happened so I knew how to talk to them to keep myself from being blocked and another friend made sure that I stayed unblocked I am unsure how to conpletely deal with this but I know I am going to figure it out as long as that group of 3 sticks together then I know it becomes fine There is a 4th person in this but shes in another country as long as she stays there everything with her stays perf (she comes to america she took her own risks because I know her fairly well her being excited from the group makes sense) shes a black and white thinker and when she gets upset I only know 1 person that knows how to deal with her and she lives in the country that person lives in now I felt like I lost everything once before due to being reported (after a lot of tears and I dont know how many weeks I went back to youtube fangled around a bit and found a backdoor into my account) I doubt a back door exists this time but I also felt fine not being able to backdoor it and why I became ready to try (once I backdoor it I was like oh thats what I was being told at vidcon) I tried to tell Jonny Paula because the same thing happened to him but he didnt understand and waited a very long time for youtube to give him back his account (with him waiting made sense since he became a youtube partner so youtube would have to fix an account like that)
  • @anyaroz8619
    Can being neglected be considered a traumatic experience? I feel like my childhood is more about a lack rather than an abuse of any kind. What is this kind of problem even called?