Trump Trial RECAP! Michael Cohen, CONVICTED PERJUROR, is also a POLITICAL OPERATIVE! Viva Frei Vlawg

Published 2024-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @Krow884
    If the supposed crime is not known up front, why is there even a trial. My understanding is that we have a right to the pesky thing called the Constitution.
  • @johnelder4273
    I worked as a United States Probation Officer for over 20 years primarily conducting presentence investigations for U.S. District Court Judges. I personally worked on a couple thousand cases over the years and read and reviewed thousands of other cases while training other officers to do the job. I never saw a single charging document (a Criminal Indictment or Information) that did not specifically describe the offense committed and specifically state the statutes the defendant was charged with violating. How can Trump possible be in the middle of a trial without having been formally charged in a legally valid Indictment or Information? What kind of Kangaroo Court BS is this?
  • @jude.v25
    This isn't about a conviction. It's about entangling Trump, draining his resources, and public humiliation.
  • @pdmark311
    It's making me want to vote for Trump MORE...
  • @abel6846
    Isn’t sending false invoices to your client a felony?
  • @RichardIddings
    Trump should be able to get refund for those legal fees that Cohen is now saying he didn't do anything.
  • @noway6362
    Cohen seems to only remember what the prosecution told him to say
  • @Boskov01
    Folks, I beg of you not to bank on an acquittal. Bet on a conviction. But on appeal, bet on acquittal. This horribly biased NY judge, jury, and prosecutor have corrupted this case from start to finish and no convictions will withstand appeal.
  • @garaines
    The 2 lawyers on the jury will look pretty foolish kf they find President Trump guilty! I would never want them doing work for me!
  • @Atamastra
    I'm sorry, but the sniveling Woody Allen voice for Cohen is too perfect 😆🤣
  • @goldenhawk352
    The people in other countries are watching. Will they be able to stifle their laughter the next time they hear that famous line "Truth, justice, and the American way!"
  • @roginutah
    We're just gonna fish until we get a bite.
  • @user-kcrpine
    He’s been a political operative for YEARS now, David.
  • Laura Ingram said she was in court today and thinks 3 or 4 jurors ain't buying what the prosecution is selling.
  • Having you as a conservative advocate is one of the greatest developments in the conservative sphere.
  • @jamesdiamond820
    I’ve never seen a trial were the accused isn’t told what he’s charged with
  • @audreym3777
    Kato Kaelin 2.0 (For those old enough to remember the OJ trial)
  • @stosh64
    How is this allowed to continue in The United States of America?? RIP America, it was a good try.