done for hazbin hotel_Michael and Charlie

Published 2024-06-17

All Comments (21)
  • @user-nm1lx8qb3u
    Lucifer when he find out: MICHEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!😡
  • This is exactly how I want Michael to be like in Heaven. I want him to be the heaven’s Alastor, smiling, sadistic, working for the bigger guy but doing his own thing. Sub immediatly
  • This really nailed how I would love Michael to act like we had jock with Adam now let's have a Villain that truly someone to fear. You got yourself a subscriber
  • @VenomizeGojira
    God: michael did you just Threatened MINE GRANDDAUGHTER Michael: ..... i am sorry
  • I could imagine that Michael would try to k*ll Charlie for four reasons: -to get revenge on Lucifer and Lilith -out of pure hatred towards demons -to make sure that status quo in heaven will not be changed -to complete his genocide of Nephilim race But that's just my head canon.
  • Ain't no way Michael just grabbed a lady's clothes like that💀
  • The fandom: break open heaven’s gates We heard out little devil was being threatened 🥿
  • @irohanijiue3417
    Who's going to tell him that he had just threatened his own niece?
  • In my head canon Michael and Azrael are real masterminds behind extermination. I hope we will see them in future. Edit: Maybe more specificly about them in my headcanon Michael wanted the extermination to get revenge on Lucifer and Lilith for ruining HIS perfect vision of world. Because of what they did he feels pure hatred towards demons and sins. Michael is very arrogant and doesn't like when someone destroy or oppose his "perfect" visions. He's also extremely intelligent, especially in terms of psychological manipulation. He's very skilled with using other people's emotions for his own usage, like when he used Adam's arrogance and stupidity to trick him into thinking that the extermination was his idea, so if something went wrong a whole blame would be taken by him and Sera. Or when he used Sera's care towards Emily and threatened to break Emily's wings with a rock, tear them off and banish her to hell or just let Azrael torture and k*ll her to intimidate Sera and make sure that she will not oppose him. Azrael on the other hand is far more sadistic and evil than Michael, he has no real motive in starting the extermination and just enjoy mur**ring demons. He's also far more brutal than Adam and all exorsists taken together and enjoy torturing and taunting his victims before finishing them off. He has absolutely no problem with ki**ing children or even fellow angels. While Mike is more intelligent, Azrael is also very cunning, mostly in terms of combat and stealth tacticts. He is also very tricky, manipulative and strategic, for example he can use his powers of creating illusions, shapeshifting and mimicking other people's voices to lure his victims into his trap. Long story short, they're like angelic versions of Vox and Alastor.
  • Michael would probably hate Adam seeing him as a petulant child