North Dakota: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2015-10-11
North Dakota is known for being polite, but perhaps they’ve been a little too hospitable to oil companies.

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All Comments (21)
  • @bakerXderek
    John Oliver's too awesome, always shining light on the stuff most don't notice.
  • @pbass2676
    If John was able to run for president i would honestly vote for him. Imagine the day, an English immigrant as President. Conservatives everywhere would cry
  • This man spends the shit out of HBO's money and it's always so worth it
  • As someone who’s family has lived in North Dakota for 30 years this episode was at once both heartbreaking and extremely accurate
  • @Jredizzle1
    "Be Polite? Fuck You! Don't tell me what to do" lmao
  • @2011Oly
    South DaCanada, laughed a little to hard at that.
  • @BigDaddyKai620
    Over 7 years in the Oilfield Services. I got out with all my toes and fingers. Thank God 🙏
  • @joat1979
    Family Guy said it best: "North Dakota.....we're not even the good Dakota."
  • @Ikelae
    Having come from North Dakota... I can say the oil boom has been disastrous to my community. I had to leave due to how outrageous prices got for everything from housing to gas. (Ironically enough) You almost have to work in the oil industry to have a decent life there. The lack of infrastructure is probably the most apparent problem. More deaths are resulting from that, as opposed to the rig accidents. Man, it's a mess. You did nail it though. Usually North Dakotians are ecstatic about their state or town being mentioned nationally. I don't feel that right now, except for those billboards. I remember those and they were the shit.
  • I am from Texas, and I can confirm that the speed limit is "Let er' rip!"
  • @boobajaboob
    Oil companies were trying to drill on Dad’s farm in Scobey out in the part of Montana we call West Dakota; he refused to allow it and he fought the KXL pipeline. Sadly he is gone now but the farm is still producing food and not oil. I guess the coal companies also drove him nuts back in the day...
  • @goopah
    Stumbled in here (a few years late) and found: A comedy show with MUCH more news and actual research than the actual news. The research shown here is at a level not seen much these days. Subscribed.
  • @battybasil2057
    Fun fact about the billboards: they’re still here. And we have no idea who pays for these things, but they’ve been around as long as I can remember
  • @johnbreen7867
    This is exactly why labor unions are more important now than ever. The labor force being killed and maimed in the oil fields need a voice.
  • In the UK sub contractors count as employees under health and safety law. It avoids this kind of lack of employer responsibility.
  • @colgantm111
    As a person who’s visited north and South Dakota I can confirm that theyre basically as nice and wholesome as Canadians
  • @TheAnonyomusGuy
    69 hours that's almost 3 full days for an explosive technician,  that's terrifying
  • @lotr9000
    i find it hilarious that the north dakota video has 6 times more views than the population of N Dakota.
  • @James-rz3jz
    I live in ND, and I approve this message. Thanks you, Mr. Oliver.
  • @mandymoore5774
    SIXTY NINE HOURS!!! Can you imagine just being awake for that long?! Never mind driving, watching what ur supposed to be working at, listening to what you need to be listening to and for, EVEN WALKING FOR SIXTY NINE HOURS IS INSANE!!!