Ishmahil 27.05.2012 (part2).mpg

Published 2012-05-29

All Comments (21)
  • @JohnMac2023A.D.
    Im a Irish man growing up in 70s 80s and had raceism from police and society !! but it was evil in mens hearts !! Blees you brother
  • @amtownsyou
    lmfao he handled the idiot and went back to his speech like nothin happened
  • @blackgold1980
    You are spot on 100% you took the words out of my mouth.
  • @dagoorey3534
    Brother Ishmahil My God protect you from all evil racist people.
  • @Kungini22
    I'm sooo happy to live in a country without stupid racism and stupid racists.
  • @blackgold1980
    By the way I found him discussing his early life quite interesting, its si,ilar to the experiences I had being jumped by a gang of white youths, while still at secondary school and having to fend for myself. I admit he swears maybe too much, but I guess it shows hows passionate he is about the sunbject, if you have ever been to speakers corner you will see how boring the other speakers are compared to him at least he gets a good crown in, most of the time.
  • @mikejarrey
    This is guy is the last thing people in Africa or Asia need... the LAST thing.
  • @letsgobrandon.
    re: nigerian plane crash. when i heard the news i was upset,because there was 2 empty seats. I thought Nigeria was at the pinnicle of aircraft safety...On the plus side, the village gets to eat tonight.
  • @lister726
    Looks like he's got it real tough , stood in the sun smoking.... YAWN POOR LITTLE BOY....
  • @Red_Lion2000
    Had you listened, you would realise that he did not say that.
  • @Wranger243
    It's depressing to see the country of my ancestors ruined by immigration.
  • @RobCCTV
    I would like to know what this guy says about the reasons why, the vast VAST majority of violent crime is committed by people from the Afro-Caribbean community (well at least it is in England). As he himself (judging by part 1 of this video) so readily turns to violence to express his anger, he should be qualified to comment. ...or does he want to ignore the "elephant in the room", as so many people do.
  • @letsgobrandon.
    Q: what " N " word wouldn't you like to call a black person. A : neighbour