Birth of the American Argus? | Round 26

Published 2024-06-27
#mlbblive #mobilelegends #mlbb

Mobile Legends New Game+


Q: Hi
A: Not a question.

Q: Where are you from?
A: New York City, United States of America

Q: What nationality are you?
A: ½ Italian, ¼ Spanish, ¼ French

Q: What Language do you speak?
A: Only English Fluently.

Q: You make mistakes...why?
A: I'm...human?

Q: What music is this?
A: Music Credit [@AimToHeadOfficial ]

Q: I could 1v1 you easily from my Mom's basement where I sleep sometimes. What rank are you?
A: Three Accounts, Mythical Glory s28-32

Q: Who can you play?
A: Most Heroes at Mythic or Above & All Heroes at Epic/Legend Rank.

Q: I want to donate, how?
A: Super Chat/Super Thanks are the best way.

Q: What about buymeacoffee?
A: Yup. Just go to

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