What ARISTOCRACY feels like [ Classical Music ]

Published 2023-04-14
Do tell me dear listener,
If you woke up one day as an aristocrat, how would you use your newfound power and influence?

Original Painting by: Adolph Menzel

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Dark Academia Music for your Soul.
To fuel your studies, your work, your chores, your sleep, your dreams, your nightmares..

Through the centuries I had the pleasure to find out that art comes in countless wonderful forms, and as long there's beauty in it, it shouldn't be limited.
From classical music to medieval music, there are innumerable sounds to paint your ambient music with the clear objective to awaken your soul and.. be inspired to evolve. Shall we begin?

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#classicalmusic #darkacademiaplaylist

All Comments (21)
  • @segete
    "When you do good, do it little by little. When doing evil, do it all at once" -NM
  • @zetcam2
    1. 0:00 Baroque Chamber Strings [Slowed / Versión ralentizada] - Rafael Krux. 2. 2:25 Waltz of The Moscow Strings - Rafael Krux. 3. 4:30 First Baroque Prelude For Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 4. 5:33 Days Pass (del álbum: The Art Of Loneliness) - Adrian Berenguer. 5. 8:29 Midnight Vals (del álbum: Still Life) - Adrian Berenguer. 6. 10:35 Baroque Harpsichord - Rafael Krux. 7. 12:39 The 5th Season - Nono. 8. 14:45 Cinematic Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 9. 18:34 First Baroque Etude for Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 10. 20:49 Ballade - Patrick Ussher. 11. 24:21 Sad Classical Violin Solo - Rafael Krux. [29:23 Repetición] 1. 29:23 Baroque Chamber Strings [Slowed / Versión ralentizada] - Rafael Krux. 2. 31:30 Waltz of The Moscow Strings - Rafael Krux. 3. 33:35 First Baroque Prelude For Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 4. 34:38 Days Pass (del álbum: The Art Of Loneliness) - Adrian Berenguer. 5. 37:34 Midnight Vals (del álbum: Still Life) - Adrian Berenguer. 6. 39:40 Baroque Harpsichord - Rafael Krux. 7. 41:43 The 5th Season - Nono. 8. 43:51 Cinematic Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 9. 47:43 First Baroque Etude for Classical Violin - Rafael Krux. 10. 49:54 Ballade - Patrick Ussher. 11. 53:26 Sad Classical Violin Solo - Rafael Krux. [Tema de cierre] 58:20 Baroque Chamber Strings [Versión original] - Rafael Krux.
  • @jonathanlee4511
    Creative writing part I: The Countess. The Countess sat alone in her carriage, swaying sporadically as it rode over the uneven cobblestone roads. Her coachman was taking a shortcut through the back-alleys as she was late to her event. She knew these roads well, the stench of the brown puddles, the coarseness of the soot-stained buildings, and the hollowed looks of those who wandered these streets were a distant memory of her childhood, but still engrained in her mind. She was one out of a thousand to have escaped the underbelly of the capital, but at what cost. The Countess looked back down at her invitation card. It was smooth and the edges were gilt. Written in ink cursive calligraphy, the invitation read: The esteemed Countess Rosalie von Rhedey is most cordially invited to attend the salon of her Imperial and Royal Highness, the Grand Princess Cecilie. What a world she had now entered. Gone are the days where she had to ration and scavenge the dark alleyways, now she drank champagne and laughed elegantly behind feathered fans in golden ballrooms or silk drawing rooms in front of those who had daggers in their smiles and venom in their eyes. The Countess sighed and looked out the window. She began to see street lights now and electricity from windows. the roads got smoother and more crowded. She could hear laughter and chatter from the pedestrians, now smartly dressed on their evening stroll. She looked out in envy. She would have been perfectly content to be like them. They were not starving and they did not have to deal with the vicious jealousy of others. She had lived the two extremes of wealth, she only wished she could have been in the middle. As she daydreamed, she realised she had arrived at her destination. A line of carriages parked in front of the entrance to Grand Princess Cecilie's vast palace. The Countess' coachman, did the same and helped open the door of the carriage to let his lady out. However, she stayed. The Countess did not move. She wondered if she wanted to be there or change her mind and return home in the safe company of her children. The coachman noticed the hesitance. "Courage Madame," he said, reaching his hand out for her to take. The Countess looked at her coachman. He was middle aged and greying. His face and wrinkles show the hardships he had gone through in his life, yet his eyes were full of encouragement and the fire of life. She smiled, took his hand, and stepped out of the carriage. She inhaled and exhaled and looked up at the palace. It was like a vast greek marble temple with all the light in the world emanating from it. Towards this light, she began to walk towards. As she entered the palace, she felt a shiver down her spine, even though she was still wearing her fur overcoat. The venomous eyes have already began to stare. The footman helped take her jacket off and carry it off to a distant coat room. She wore a stunning silver thread dress, of the latest fashions, that shined under the sparkling chandeliers. The Countess could hear gasps in awe of her choice of clothing. Indeed there were sometimes satisfaction in coming to events like this. She then ascended the steps and down a hall, following the sounds of animated chatter, laughter, and champagne clinking until she entered a brightly lit salon. As she entered she gave her invitation card to the footman at the door who loudly announced her pressence. Silence then descended the salon. A lone spotlight shone over the Countess as she saw every malicious eye turn slowly towards her. The Countess could feel her heart racing and her hand clench her fan. Suddenly, a shriek of excitement shattered the silence, as a young and lively lady came from the adjoining salon. "Rosa!" the lady exclaimed with enthusiasm as she quickly scurried towards the Countess, her hands reaching out to greet her. The Countess smiled, relieved a friend was there to greet her. "It's good to see you Duchess", she said curtseying. "Please, you know you can call me my name, Rosa," the Duchess said, with a smile. The Countess smiled and walked hand in hand with the Duchess towards the doors of the adjoining salon. In there was a smaller more intimate crowd who seemed to gravitate towards one person. Sat on a chez lounge in the middle of the room, surrounded by various admirers was another young lady, dressed in a bright and lively pink. She had pearls cascading down her golden curls and ocean blue eyes that turned to look directly at the Countess. “Rosa, my dear,” the lady said in a sultry and smooth voice, rising from her seat swiftly and glided towards the Countess. “Your highness,” the countess said, deeply curtsying and kissing the ring on the Grand Princess’ hand. “My dear friend, I’m so relieved you have arrived,” the Grand Princess whispered into her ear. “These dandies have become frightfully dull and I needed a wit to keep my senses awake.” “I am always at you beck and call Ceci,” the countess responded. The Grand Princess smiled, and waved over to a footman to bring her a box of cigarets. From the box she plucked two out and lit them both before passing one to the Countess. The Grand Princess took a puff of her cigaret and let the smoke float out of her mouth, to the delight of her admirers that sat at a distance admiring the Grand Princess’ beauty. The Duchess, seeing this, proceeded to shoo the men out of the room, leaving the three ladies alone. “My dear Rosa,” the Grand Princess said, breathing out smoke, “You have to be careful from here on out.” “Why?” The countess said, taking a flute of champagne from a footman’s platter, “is something the matter?” “We hear that Grand Duke is going to be the target of an assassination,” the innocent looking Duchess said. “From whom?” the Countess said, furrowing her brow. “The Captain of the Imperial Guards have informed me that they are doubling the security in Castell for the sake of the Grand Duke’s safety,” the Grand Princess explained. “They have soldiers protecting the boarders of his territories and his residence here in the capital,” the Duchess continued to explained as she fidgeted with her hands. “You may not be able to enter his lands and his residences so easily anymore my dear,” the Grand Princess said, putting her hand on the Countess’ shoulder. The Countess looked down at the intricately designed carpet. She knew that there would come a day where she would be left in the dark by the man she loved, she just wished it had not come so soon. She knew that once he had distanced himself from her, the rest of the aristocratic world was more than ready to pounce on her. But it wasn’t even her own safety that she feared. It was the safety of her children that worried her. Fear soon clouded the Countess’ mind, and she stood silently and motionless as she let the situation settle in her mind Her friends, the only people she could trust amidst the ocean of circling sharks, let her be and waited for her to process in silence. However, amidst the silence of the room, the sound of another guest being announced could be heard. “Announcing the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess von Rhine-Castell have arrived.” The Countess’ ears perked and her friends turned towards her to see what she would do. The Countess hesitated. Should she talk to him? In broad daylight? In the company of those who prayed for her downfall? She put her champagne flute down on the table besides her firmly, and straightened out of her dress and confidently approached the door. The Grand Princess and the Duchess followed closely behind before the three exited the salon together.
  • @user-ug7py3ew6d
    Господи! Какая божественная музыка! Не слышал ее ранее. Я просто таю. Млею от восторга. Огромное спасибо! Классика и создавалась вообщем то для аристократии и почти всегда аристократами, для узкого круга избранных посвященных в ее таинство. Таинство и магию Красоты.
  • @florq413
    - waltz of moscow - days pass by adrian berenguer - midnight vals "" "" - baroque harpischord by rafael krux - the 5th season by nono - cinematic violins by rafael krux - first baroque etude for classical violin "" "" - ballade by patrick ussher - sad classical violin by r. krux - baroque chamber strings "" "" - serenade for strings? - first baroque prelude, r. k.
  • @GreenSamurai2
    I wrote this while listening. I hope someone enjoys it. On Good and Evil I was born in a vast ocean of black and white. But there was something else on the horizon, gray. It infected the black and white until there was nothing but gray. I have sense taught myself how to see the different grays as individual colors, giving my world vibrant hues. When I look back at where I started and see it for what it was for me and my experience. I see a land void of everything but a tower at the center of the land. A gray tower as thin as a needle with a point sharper than anything I can imagine. On the tip is a coin balancing on its non existent edge, spinning between black and white. All sapience comes from this coin, falling in to the land of gray. All want to return to the comfort of the black and white at least once. Many have tried but none have made it back to the coin that forever spins in the sky. I have never tried to climb the tower, if that is what it is. I might have been distressing at first but I now find content in the land of gray. Others are not so fortunate as I. Some will take their preferred hues and claim that they are the best to black and white we can ever get back to, so we should use them in their stead for now. Others claim their preferred hues are black and white, despite the true spinning coin we can see far above us all. But am I originally of the coin so what side of the coin do I root myself in? The cloths I chose to wear are in beautiful hues of my on devising. Is my navy blue jacket that kept me alive throughout the winter too dark? Is it more noble of me to wear my bright red shoes over the green in the summer? Is my red your red? Such questions are never ending, but I hope I will be clad in more shades of white than black as I enter my grave. But one can only do so much in the land of gray.
  • La primer imagen es de el Rey Federico II de Prusia tocando la flauta. No solo fue un gran estratega militar, también era un artista y lo admiro mucho muchisimo ❤
  • @reirei6252
    What a elite class of comments I have came across.....such deep and intellectual way and skillful comments side of YT ....i really like it ..✨✨
  • @JulianPrada13
    Por favor sube mas, que maravillosa seleccion. Gracias por este hermoso contenido.
  • Even to those who wish to do good, there is the ever lasting threat of getting lost in distinguishing between what is a need, what is luxury, and what is desire. One must be careful, for the mind will often attempt to cast away morality when it isn't in its interest. How can we know that we've lost sight? Or that our sight is still pure? And once we do gain clarity, the responsibility of having such wealth, and power...Is often too much for our minds to bear if we're not prepared. However, there is a thought which can easily keep us in check. It doesn't matter when or where we wake up, we will still have the memories of what happened to those in the aristocracy which abused their positions to its limit. The fate of our heads, lie within our ability to contain the human condition within ourselves, and those who eye our every move.
  • Das Flötenkonzert Friedrichs des Großen in Sanssouci (Frederick the Great's Flute Concerto at Sanssouci), 1850–1852, National Gallery, Berlin. The painter is German
  • @nishinostra
    This is the best of all playlists! Fantastic :) I really love this playlist, big respect! Please do more of this :)
  • @PeoplesProtector
    See, what is the core difference between an Aristocrat and an Oligarch? The former exists precisely to improve the state of affairs, through a virtuous and honourable existence. The latter exists to satisfy his own hunger and greed, at the expense of all. Don't confuse the terms.
  • @HuyLe-he6je
    Perfection <3 thanks for a beautiful playlist
  • @gabcv
    What a fulfilling source of inspiration, thank you.
  • @thomsieloff3463
    "Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home." - Yeshua (Luke 16:9 NLT) "For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. So two good things will result from this ministry of giving—the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God." - Shaul (2 Cor 9:10-12) As a King descended from Kings (even from David himself!), it is our DUTY to serve the needs of those IN our Kingdom, while they serve the needs OF the Kingdom.