When You Accidentally Time Travel to a History Student's House 600 Years Into the Future

Published 2021-09-07
Detailing cultural aspect of the Ottoman Empire.

Language-Ottoman Turkish, used aspects from Arabic and Persian

Writing-Folk writing (Arabic scripts) about god, religion, romance, epics.

Religion-Most were Sunni Islamic, but there were Christians, Jews, and other minorities too.

Beliefs:Religion-based (some):Sunni Islam is superior, there's only 1 god, Christianity is bad, and needs to be removed by war.

Most people respected authority!


-The rich anonymously paid the debts of some poor people
-The young never crossed paths with the elderly out of respect
-Yellow flowers were sent to the sick as a "Get well soon" gift
-Water and coffee were offered. Choosing water was a sign of hunger, and the host fed the person.
-Muslims and Christians visit each other during their holidays, and respect each other's customs, despite their hatred toward their religions (somewhat).
Christians don't eat in public during Ramadan (when Muslims fast) out of respect.

The Ottomans were very collaborative!

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