Star Trek VS Babylon 5 (W.I.P)(Edited)

Published 2021-02-03

All Comments (21)
  • yer im a huge B5 fan but the tech difference would be insurmountable. shadows and vorlons might give them some trouble though.
  • 1. ST's photon and quantum torpedoes have anti-matter warheads 2. ST has transporter technology: they can simply bean warheads aboard enemy ships, if not boarding parties and other 3. Energy shields and impulse drives 4. Phaser banks that can quickly target enemy ships at almost 360 degree angles (depending on coverage) 5. Warp capability without needing to open a hyperspace gate
  • @Jonno92100
    Ingenious use of Star Trek: Legacy audio and effects. I can definitely appreciate the time and effort that went into re-dubbing this animation.
  • @AndersonNeo12
    A lot of comments about the shields, in case someone is wondering: "Shields won`t be installed until Tuesday!" That´s why i just gonna lean back and enjoy this Science Fiction crossover epicness. ps.: That Earthcruiser is called "Backgammon" :D 6:08
  • @boloblade2
    Loved how the Excalibur was smart enough to cripple Voyager first.
  • What killed me throughout the entire video was the fact that the sovereign class the most advanced starship in Starfleet got destroyed but the original Connie refit was still going like wait what I'm so confused right now
  • @etorres4u
    The nerd in me calls BS. Starfleet ships had shields, phasers, quantum torpedos and in many cases ablative armor. The B5 ships had inferior weapons and no shielding. Notice how no star fleet ships seemed to have any shielding? They had to nerf them in order to make it an even fight. Star fleet would have absolutely annihilated the B5 ships with barely a scratch.
  • @mightylubu
    Bro had to give the federation ships a handicap, if he didnt they'd solo'd no diff
  • @Ellis_Hugh
    Starfleet firepower would likely decimate anything that the humans of B5 could come up with, especially without shields (why did the Federation ships lose shields at the beginning of this?). The Defiant vs. a White Star would be interesting though, and you can't have B5 properly represented without the Mimbari showing up. Dalen appearing with a Mimbari fleet and sending them on their way would have been a fantastic way to end this showdown.
  • It would be fairer if 50 Minbari "Sharlin" appeared at the end of the battle😆
  • @Cain-x
    It is INSANE that the animations and FX were made in 2005 - kudos to that team.
  • @bscar
    "Info, get me tactical information. Dwarf, fire twinklers and light balls!" - Captain Pirk
  • @DonnieTNJ
    this should have gone like this: "Captain!...They are now locking lasers on us.......lasers? Yes sir......Lasers can't even penetrate our navigation shields don't they know that?".....Regulations do call for a yellow alert....hmmm A very old regulation.....Well make it so number one...and reduce speed. Drop main shields as well.... May I ask why sir?....In case we decide to surrender to them Number One....*worf growl*"
  • @randybaumery5090
    Star trek next generation ships would wreak havoc on the Earthforce but would get slammed by the older races technology in Babylon 5.
  • @BBFPV
    Lasers? They not even penetrate our nav. shield...
  • @YunoGasaiMC2012
    Man, I love the sound effects that you edited for the Babylon 5 weapons, especially with the Omega-class at 8:16 and the Victory-class here at 9:39 Can I get the YouTube link for the sounds?
  • @Jred091
    What we expected the Dominion war would be.
  • @ernstboyd8745
    those rotating sections of the earth force ship would make turning a bear. - like gyroscopes
  • @mackgiver875
    4:30 Jesus that many photon torpedoes would have blown up the entire 1st and 2nd season of Babylon 5 lol.