There’s Nothing C.J. Can Do | The West Wing

Published 2024-07-07

All Comments (18)
  • @Bariom_dome
    I liked C.J a lot here because she wanted to help, but this problem was so big she could only tackle one bit at a time.
  • @Bum_Hip
    I’ll say it for the tenth time, if network TV wants to have some sort of relevance again, they would do whatever it takes to bring back this show with Sam either running for, or already in office as President, and have the rest of the cast appearing occasionally. It would be a ratings smash. Hell, I’d even watch TV again if it came back!
  • @TheStuport
    The word Stoicism comes to mind when I see this clip....and this is coming from a knucklehead who firmly believed MAD Magazine was Pulitzer Prize Reading Material! Cheers Everyone👋
  • @Kate-ui5kc
    Native tribes fought against the theft of their land and destruction of their culture.
  • @johnwest194
    the alternative is to let the corrupt government continue to screw tha native american indians so as many wise men and women have said - never give up the fight
  • @heideleskun1163
    June 2023 Solem V Bartlett (no "relationship" to the character in The West Wing) THANKFULLY held up the Act. For Now. Another "drama show from the late 90's early 2000's including The Newsroom, vs reality"
  • @sctran
    Isn't this episode 7 and not 8?
  • @ot23234
    Indians: "The government promised." Government: "And you believed us? Heh. We lie to our own people, why would you be any different."
  • @finnishline
    How on Earth are they calling them "Indians"?
  • @shiftfocus1
    I love all things about the West Wing, but the way the show handled this smacked of rank tokenism. It’s a huge issue, but was the B or C storyline in the Thanksgiving episode, with no reference or follow up in any other episode, as if to redeem the show. Was it written in as an afterthought?
  • @pauldockree9915
    I'm Maggie Morningstar Charles and this is Travel Counsel Jack LoneFeather. Enraging isn't it. The United States. I'm fine here Too, Data sharing. I am fine here. Jean Luc Picts Hard. "I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade Into my own parade Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it" - Bob Dylan. Presidents Of Heritage Foundations..never mind. I was ready to go anywhere and even ready to fade into my own parade.. I was willing to stand anywhere and exhale but oh no. Cannot be done.
  • Great Show... but this plot line was one of the dumbest of the series. At the end of the day history teaches us that Land ONLY belongs to the person that can hold it. The Indians didn't have the land stolen from them... it was conquered. Why? Because the Indians were 1000 years behind the Europeans in technology.
  • Only in America can a bunch of people who have never known oppression, complain about how oppressed they are.
  • Are they from one of the tribes that repeatedly attacked settlers, committed acts of terrorism, and declared war against the US government? And then lost that war? Because wow, does that part of history go untold.
  • @shalashaska9946
    It's insane that these people think they're entitled to anything. Nothing bad happened to them, it was their great grand parents. Nobody is responsible for the sins of their ancestors.