So I tried Battlefront 2's story mode again...

Published 2024-06-25
I just replayed the Star Wars Battlefront 2 story mode campaign for the first time since 2017. Is it as bad as everyone thinks? For more Star Wars and Star Wars Gaming, stay bombastic šŸ•¶ļø

#battlefront2 #gaming #starwars


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All Comments (21)
  • @Bombastic
    How do you rate the Battlefront 2 story mode? šŸ¤”
  • 2:53 The aurebesh translates to Identity: Iden Versio Born: Kestro, Vardos Jinata System Affiliations: Galactic Empire Special Forces Inferno Squad Intelligence: Expert Pilot Marksman Special Forces Training Survived the Ja-Bess Incursion Captured at Classified Location Status: Extremely Dangerous Examination: Incomplete
  • @cavalr1002
    I did like the story mode. But I didn't like how they lied about it. I remember they advertised the story as you're going to play as the Empire. Yes, you play as the Empire, but only for two missions and the rest you play as the rebellion. That is the part that really annoys me.
  • @WindusWaiter
    Only the OGs will remember Bombasticā€™s battlefront career
  • @King_Vangelis
    Honestly if the campaign was longer and focused entirely on Iden and her squad this would probably be as epic as the cinematics
  • Bill Burr's performance in The Mandalorian where they refer to Operation Cinder, and the pain in his facial expressions. You know what the operation was about from the game, and seeing Bill's character remember what he must have experienced just hints to a darker side of those events than what we saw in the BF2 campaign. I love the hinting to the tragedy of it all, and wish there was a campaign where you had more direct impact with Operation Cinder.
  • Fun fact. Iden versio survived the explosion of the first death star because she chased a Y-wing that was retreating on yavin 4. She then crashed on the planet ans managed to escape. Do what you want with this information.
  • The cutscenes were pretty great. I think the main purpose of the story mode was to serve in place of a tutorial. Before they updated it, the move set was applicable to the main game. And I donā€™t think playing as heroes was a corporate decision. If story mode is a tutorial, then itā€™s valuable to play as some of the heroes too.
  • Droid: ā€œI donā€™t like you, not one bitā€ Andrew: ā€œI donā€™t like you eitherā€
  • The campaign is honestly fine. Like I honestly have good memories playing it but it's really not something to write home about.
  • @adam6620
    Itā€™s not just kinda disappointing that Iden takes us out of the Imperial perspective too fast, itā€™s also that Andrew acts as an uneducated hater.
  • 5:49 Andrew has been endlessly complaining about "this mechanic is nowhere else in the game" Yeah, but it's cool, so I don't care
  • "Don't you think the Empires done enough damage to innocent worlds?" "Yes and so have we bey destroying the entire bug population on this planet."šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  • @Purpleskull64
    The story was good, but the fact that this was advertised as a game about the Empire's perspective then it only gives you three missions where you fight for the Empire was such a let down. Atleast go back before the Battle of Endor to show more of Idens story, giving an opportunity to show the cracks in the Empire before giving Iden multiple reasons to question the Empire, while also making Operation Cinder feel way more impactful and heart breaking than it was. Operation Cinder would be more of a final straw for Iden and Del because it targeted the people loyal to the Empire, going against the very people they were supposed to protect. We didn't see that until Operation Cinder. This campaign had so much potential.
  • @CaliberFloof
    Honestly, I come back to this campaign from time to time just for a bit of entertainment. Wish they would have done more with this game/campaignšŸ˜¢
  • 1:20 agreed unlike all the disney stuff this actually felt like Luke. 6:50 lol you're wrong. She's defenitly a menace. 9:53 Yes you can, you just can't shoot them I think. 29:10 compared to the force awakens it's still a lot slower. 30:02 debatable "the saved their skin" and then made the stupid decision of backing out despite battlefront 2 being their most played game at the time. That wasn't just a "mean" decision, that was also just dumb they literally lost money by pulling away from battlefront 2 and trying to save a dead battlefield game. 31:48 wasn't in the game yet. (and no not part of DLC it was part of promised live service updates, which they only partially delivered on because it was cancelled before they could finish it.)
  • @WildDancer101
    What's unbelievable is that in Canon the Empire was defeated in one year on Jakku that this game shows. What IS believable is that in Legends it took 15 or so years for the Empire to stop fighting the New Republic and come to an accordance. Basically, realism should be implemented at least half of the time in Star Wars stories.
  • @Mosspit_8p
    "The game doesnt feel like battlefront" but when they add features that make the campaign more like battlefront its "corporate" and there to sell copies. Andrew contradicts himself a lot but this was arguably the most annoying bit for me