5 Types of Fuel Waster vs Fuel Saver - AutoBuzz.my

Published 2015-09-12
There are many types of drivers out there on the road. Here, we are discussing two of them: 1. Fuel Wasters 2. Fuel Savers. Learn about how you can waste and save fuel. So, which type of driver are you?

For more fuel saving tips, click here: autobuzz.my/?p=39308

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All Comments (21)
  • @danielyzisman
    I just like the sound my car makes when I floor it, even though it isn’t fast, or sporty, and has less torque than my ceiling fan
  • @thatcopenguy
    When it comes to accelerator, I do both. I'll be doing 25 km/l at one point and double the speed limit at another point.
  • @rabbitdrink
    heres what i found: 1. use brakes as little as possible. launching out of the gate may use a couple drops more gas than a slow acceleration, but it only becomes a huge waste when you step on the brake pedal, turning all that kinetic energy into heat. and hey, maybe that extra speed will get you through that next light, and all the next ones too in my experience. so it may pay to drive fast sometimes. 2. learn your car. if you can play well with it, and learn what it likes, it will reward you by saving lots of gas. 3. learn your roads and routes. learn traffic patterns and think over the best road. some roads may get you worse mpg or km/l, but burn less fuel overall from point a to point b. 4. dont try to perfect your fuel efficiency. just do your best. and let yourself have fun with your car.
  • @BunchOfStuff
    "So, are you a Fuel Waster or a Fuel Saver?" Neither. I don't have a car.
  • @inotorres3046
    as a car enthusiast, it's hard to save fuel if u have a sports car in an open road
  • @CroGirlZg
    I've been actively driving for only 2 months, and the first thing I started doing was keeping a safe distance and checking the traffic lights and the traffic flow. E.g. if I notice in the distance that the light is red, I shift to a lower gear, brake with my engine (this also helps to save fuel) and slowly move forward. In 90% of the cases I don't even have to brake because the light changes to green in the meantime, so not just I save money, I also prevent to create a "traffic snake".
  • @padfrance
    0:36 : never break on a speed reducer All the weight gets transfered to the front wheels as you reduce the speed while breaking. So the harder you break, the harder the speed reducer feels. I do the opposite : put a little gas when going through it
  • 1:09 As far as I have observed if I am going to need to accelerate a lot (for example on the sliproad entering into a highway) it is more efficient to boot it for a little bit and accelerate quickly to cruising speed
  • @-na-nomad6247
    I am both. It's hard being the saver, sometimes people behind you are too much on a rush.
  • @peterbrako1612
    "Hey babe am here". Guy proceeds to relax and enjoy his tea😂
  • @acessoon8518
    I never break with 90 degree corner until I change my new front wheel 😂
  • @rockslps
    Buy an rx7 Most fuel efficient car ever
  • @weldon29
    You can save more by getting rid of the girlfriend
  • Hahaha! That dialogue about how he must have a tummy ache and “hope he gets to the loo on time” was very funny. Also showering caterpillars.
  • @jinoyfredy1398
    The saver of money is the person who does not have girlfriend