Brand New Mandela Effects (Part 15)

Published 2020-09-29

All Comments (21)
  • I remember learning in elementary school that George Washington had wooden teeth. But I also remember learning later on (maybe high school time frame) that is was just a myth/urban legend that he had wooden teeth. Looking back at it now, it's kinda weird that they had to correct all of us on this "fact" that we had learned.
  • @violettaeve
    Batman costume director: fucks up "Ah... no one will ever even notice" All Time: "I'm about to ruin this man's whole career"
  • I remember a fairly odd parents episode where they made a joke out of George Washington having wooden teeth- then being obsessed with wood..
  • @clauddkfit
    your telling me that people remember them as swiss cake rolls??? its ALWAYYYS been Swiss rolls, those were me and my cousins favorite snack as kids!
  • I have a Mandela effect for you. One point of interest in Florida is the coral castle. It’s always been reported that the builder of the coral castle took his secrets to building and moving of it to his grave. But now it’s reported that all of the things he used are on display on sight. I’ve lived in Florida for over 50 years, and it was always a mystery, but not anymore. Mind blown!!!
  • I remember drawing the batsymbole with the 3 points at the bottom as a kid, then being super confused to find out it only had one. I just rolled with it and completely forgot about it until you pointed this out in this video.
  • I remember playing the Armory on Halo 2 in Split Screen Coop. I distinctly remember, you are both in the "systems test" rings in the first room, and player one's inputs are normal, but player two's are inverted and need re-mapped. The guy standing there even says something like "Not a south-paw? Stand by, how about now?". Then they make you look at the four lights and confirm settings before proceeding. Does anyone else remember this?
  • @TheDoctorBlu
    Rumor has it the creator of this channel is very talented and stoic af
  • @TheNumberScott
    In elementary school in the early 90s I remember the wooden teeth thing being taught, but also taught as untrue. Like it was a widely known misconception. I learned at the time though that the dentures he wore had some wooden pins in them or something.
  • Had a Mandela effect don’t know if anyone else did but i remember learning JFK was the youngest president but it is Theodore Roosevelt
  • He’s had wooden teeth and I remember that clearly and not only that when I was younger I remember an episode of fairy odd parents Timmy goes back in time for a homework assignment and they make many jokes about how he was crazy for wood and his teeth were also made from wood
  • @hpcat2
    umm I very much remember playing the armoury level with my brother!
  • In the near distant future all time scary is gonna be all scary time becuase of the mandela effect
  • @brandonluna2292
    The Batman and Halo ones have got to be legitimate proof of the Mandela Effect. Something terribly fishy is going on here.
  • @itsjustani324
    i’ve always heard about him having wooden teeth but never seen a picture of him smiling
  • @marionjames4986
    I have just asked my son who is 27 and he remembers it being split screen years ago
  • @akaz9385
  • @ashleydeane338
    It has ALWAYS been Hypnotiq! I turned 21 before my best friend. We lived together for a little over 5 years, this was her favorite drink. I bought this multiple times a week for 5 months before she could legally buy it. Even then, there were multiple bottles around the house. I'm shook right now.
  • I remember playing co-op on the first and second level with my dad and my best friend