The Voice of Palestine: When a journalist becomes the story | Talk to Al Jazeera: In the Field

Published 2022-05-20
Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Israeli forces on May 11, while covering an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

On this special edition of Talk to Al Jazeera: In the Field, Shireen's colleagues and friends pay tribute to her legacy and explain the challenges of being a Palestinian journalist reporting on a highly personal story.

We look at how the media is often targeted, which at times makes journalists themselves the centre of the story.

All Comments (21)
  • @ubiased23
    thank you for being the only outlet to cover the Israeli war crimes.
  • @redox4088
    RIP Shireen, you will be missed but not forgotten.
  • Disrupting her funeral procession is beyond adding insult to injury
  • @biswajitroy140
    I am a retired Indian journalist who has admired Shirin's reporting for years and the kind of professional courage and detachment she had shown in the world's one of the most old conflict zone. Even as Israeli authorities denied its army's role in her murder, the shocking scenes of brutal police attack on the mourners, her pall bearers and complete disrespect for the dead clearly underlined the madness of Israel state and dehumanization of its military machine. Whatever historical claim and justification it has over the Palestine, how can one of the history's worst persecuted people and victims of Hitler's holocaust become most brutal killing machine in in the post war world?' I share the anguish and anger of Shirin's colleagues considering the normalisation of killings of journalists in the occupied zones. Had she been an European or American scribe, we would have witnessed much more indignition and condemnations from the Western governments and media. We have seen similar scenarios in permanent conflict zones in our parts of the world including Indian Kashmir and larger subcontinent. Many journalists suffered the same fate in the hands of armies, state agencies and non state militants. conflict zone journalists have become easy targets to teach lessons to the maverick individuals, troublesome networks and larger nonconformist civil society groups. what is frustrating that there is no global coordinated and sustained campaigns by journalist organisations against targeted killings and persecution. I hope Shirin's death will not go in vain and she will be an icon for journalist unity in the coming months which will pour out our agonies on the streets of the world and force Israeli establishment to make her killers accountable.
  • @2three362
    This woman's death is so disheartening to me. The aftermath with the funeral service is even more sad.
  • RIP Shireen! Thank you for your brave work! May your murders be held accountable for their crimes...
  • RIP Shireen 😭😭😭, please continue to tell her story and the story of Palestine!
  • @ralfkhayal
    There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.”
  • @37Dionysos
    Israel has murdered 46 journalists since 2000. If this time isn't "enough" when will it come?
  • @Tommaso77777
    Thank you from New York! I truly hope the truth comes out & Shireen's murder will not be in vein! As a Bible believer I stand for the truth, as my LORD said "Why do you call me LORD when you do not do as I say"! Many prayers from my part of the world! 🙏🙏🙏
  • @Redcrossdwarf
    Not surprised, shocked, im no journalist but i recognise that feeling. Thankyou Shireen and the 34 of today that brought me back to you. I hope Gilles Devers reminds the world of your outstanding faith and valiance☮
  • They made the holy place into an unspeakable, horrific region .
  • Watching the mourners being beaten & almost dropping her coffin was one of the most horrific things I’ve seen in a while. I feel so bad for the ones she left behind who are dealing with her sudden loss & now the utter disrespect. God keep them🙏🏾
  • @jayveer801
    good people all around the world are thankful to Al Jazeera .
  • @FireRi141
    Thanks for your time sharing truth and heart with the world. RIP Shireen ♡ Love to your family and friends
  • @alysonlie
    I needed this reminder of the horrific injustice. Thank you all.