Little boy steals the show from the Pope

Published 2013-10-30
Who stole the Pope's spotlight? This kid did! CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on the pint-sized papal pal. More from CNN at

All Comments (21)
  • @lyncaho4507
    The innocence of this child and the patience the Pope has with him. An example of the love Jesus has for us ALL!! ❤💗❤
  • @mgulsher4913
    I am a Muslim..and i have so much respect and love for the Pope..his humility and love towards all humans irrespective of caste colour creed and origin make him one of my favourites..
  • @atekim32
    I remember his visit here in the Philippines. I was waiting under the rain, covered in garbage bag as my raincoat. He passed and wave and then I was in tears. i don't know why but I felt very happy.
  • Smart kid does not play into the candy man,twice as smart takes the candy and stays.
  • @project0624
    I was like where is the kids parents? until they said he was an orphan. I burst into tears
  • @debbie7991
    Bless that little boy! He just wanted to be close to someone he felt comforted by. Sad about his parents hope his adoptive family treat him like their own and love him forever.
  • There's a saying that children can see through the heart of the people. If they really do love them or just put up a pretense.
  • @gailklly69gk
    This baby saw something good in the pope and did not want to leave he was at peace with him.
  • I don't know why but I'm crying right now. And much more when I heard that the kid was an orphan. I hope he grows up to be a priest someday or if not, a faithful layman serving the Lord. He is indeed blessed.
  • @shaktipande4271
    I am a devout Hindu, but I respect the pope as I respect my spiritual gurus. He is really a kind person with lots of love for everyone. May God create more kind persons like him.
  • @Barzins1
    I like this pope. I'm an atheist, but I still think he's a good man.
  • @RunningRiot14
    I dont think you should say "the pope is a kid magnet"
  • @walewalata2994
    Brought tears to my eyes the kid simply shows the innocence of kids bless him
  • @sharonmah5812
    Knowing his an orphan even made me more sad... 🥺 no kids deserves to grow up without at least a parent. Sending love and hugs to all parents out there taking genuine care of kids that aren’t theirs
  • @gabrielm3449
    he is a good man god bless his soul .comes from a muslim.
  • @yourmidnights13
    he's a great pope... He has the charisma of then pope now st. john paul II. He's the pope of the people. he's not afraid of the consequences of stepping down his pope mobile to interact with people. He's currently at the Philippines now and I, as a resident since birth, has never seen such good will in a person. He seems happier when he's with the average Filipino people than with the politicians/VIP's. His smile is different when he's with the poor, the children and the people... He's a good pope...  Guys, being humble takes you places in life... to quote him Who am I to judge?
  • @lory9960
    "kid took the candy and stayed" 😄 I also was expecting the kid at the wheel of the pope-mobile.