The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences (@Harvard Science of Psychedelics Club)

Published 2019-10-05
Andrés Gómez Emilsson from the Qualia Research Institute ( presents about the Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences.

At a high-level, this video presents an algorithmic reduction of DMT phenomenology which imports concepts from hyperbolic geometry and dynamic systems theory in order to explain the "weirder than weird" hallucinations one can have on this drug. Andrés describes what different levels of DMT intoxication feel like in light of a model in which experience has both variable geometric curvature and information content. The benefit of this model cashes out in a novel approach to design DMT experiences in order to maximize specific desired benefits.

See original article:…

And the ELI5 version:…

Presentation outline:

Thermometers of Experience
The Leaf Metaphor
Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry
DMT Levels
Level 1: Threshold (& Symmetry Hotel)
Level 2: Chrysanthemum
Level 3: Magic Eye (& Crystal Worlds)
Level 4: Waiting Room
Level 5: Breakthrough
Level 6: Amnesia
Energy - Complexity Landscape
Dynamic Systems
Fixed Point
Limit Cycles
Noise Driven Structures
Super-Shulgin Academy
Atman Retreat

About the speaker: Andrés studied Symbolic Systems at Stanford (and has a masters in Computational Psychology, also from Stanford). He has professional experience in data science engineering, machine learning, and affective science. His research at the Qualia Research Institute ranges from algorithm design, to psychedelic theory, to neurotechnology development, to mapping and studying the computational properties of consciousness. Andrés blogs at

The Qualia Research Institute (QRI) is a non-profit based in the Bay Area close to San Francisco which seeks to discover the computational properties of experience. QRI has a "full-stack approach" to the science of consciousness which incorporates philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and neurotechnology. For more information see:

The Harvard Science of Psychedelics Club hosts events on psychedelic research, meditation, neuroscience, students sharing their own experiences, and much more.


- Wallpaper group 632 rotating along each symmetry element - Nick Xu

- Many of the images are by Paul Nylander:

- The Hyperbolic Honeycomb images and 3D prints are by Henry Segerman, who also has an awesome Youtube channel where he shows 3D printed math. We used his design to print the Honeycombs we were passing around during the lecture:

- Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback: Jim Crutchfield, Entropy Productions, Santa Cruz (1984):    • Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback  

Many thanks to Andrew Zuckerman and Kenneth Shinozuka for helping organize this event. And thanks to David Pearce, Michael Johnson, Romeo Stevens, Quintin Frerichs, the anonymous trippers, and many others for making this work real.

All Comments (21)
  • I love how Tim Leary got kicked out of Harvard because of psychedelics and now there's a club about them lol.
  • Don't forget to respect the mushrooms, Golden Teacher basically, they have some very powerful potential. I just did about 7g on 4/12/2023 and it went well actually but barely escaped a bad trip.
  • @ZaneEckols
    I'm so happy to see that seriously intelligent people are studying and analyzing other realms and psychedelic experiences :)
  • @notpletch3914
    Very captivating and well formulated. We need to have jamie pull this up.
  • @AmstradExin
    The sound quality is a DMT Experience of its own.
  • @matt-stam
    6:05 picture of lettuce "you've never seen anything like this before" This man knows I haven't been eating salad.
  • do i actually live in a world where intelligent people experiment with psychedelic substances ? i might be tripping. there might be hope yet for this world!
  • @painmt651
    After ingesting 7grams of psilocybin containing mushrooms, I met with my “older self” and was told that I already have all of the important answers. That I only need to integrate the knowledge and wisdom into EVERYDAY ACTIONS. The rest would sort itself out.
  • started smoking since my teenage. Got addicted to cocaine. Also suffered severe depression and mental illness. It's just amazing how psilocybin mushrooms treatment actually saved my life. 3 years clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms
  • I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms 0:08
  • When I woke up this morning I can say with 100% certainty that watching a video where a guy talks about hyperbolic kale was not on my todo list
  • @MNJGaGa
    I never liked geometry so much untill I was blessed by shrooms and DMT.
  • @grasshopperweb
    Coming from a machine learning type perspective it almost sounds like all visual filters are firing regardless of visual input. Like if we are looking at a square in a sober state our "circle" or "triangle" filters may not fire their signals further down the visual system, but on DMT it sounds like they fire regardless of not getting the appropriate input. The result would be seeing all possible shapes simultaneously and then the deeper visual system does it's best to put them together which might explain the constant moving, shifting, rearranging of the shapes as the brain starts to try to understand these newfound hyper-shapes and what they could possibly represent. I've never actually had the DMT experience but this lecture has definitely been the most compelling argument I've heard to try this in a controlled setting of some kind.
  • @ChrisSudlik
    This is absolutely fascinating, I don't have a ton of experience on DMT but I've got plenty on LSD, it's analogues, psilocybin and it's analogues, and the frame I've processed my hundreds of trips through is that of engineering control systems enhanced through the lens of neuroscience & machine learning algorithms. I definitely recognize the dimensionality of space as psychedelic dose increases, as well as the chaos/turbulence aspects of the experiences I've had. You mention difficulty with control - this is where control systems has something to offer. Psychedelics are a lot of energy thrust on our mental systems, a lot of the visuals have to do with the propagation of signals through the circuitry of our visual cortex and the differences in processing under the influence. You can get stuck in literal circuit loops within the brain that are self reinforcing, you can have too much energy to process and break out of local structures completely, collapsing them (ego death on non-dmt psychedelics), or you can have systems and structures for processing that efficiently. I would be wildly interested in quantifying the control system terminology in the context of various psychedelic experiences in combination with the language of dimensionality and turbulence. Tools from psychology, from neurology provide a lot of methods applicable in this, and framed with in the context of the dispersion of energy (which some great theories on evolution and it's relationship to thermodynamics definitely suggest is a vital part of the issue) could be the early developments of tools for navigating this space.
  • @aridian6988
    data scientist engineer teaching a lecture on DMT... goals
  • @max_mittler
    As Terence McKenna always said, the psychedelics are about boundary breaking. Softening the boundary between our conscious and unconscious minds, between our imagination and reality, between our rational mind fed by sensory input and the invisible underlying structure of nature. And importantly, softening the boundary between ourselves and the rest of the universe. That is where geometry comes into play. We recognize high order organizational structures as clues to a more complex scientific understanding, so the psychedelic aims to show us that there is more to the world than there seems, by showing us that there is geometry and other complex organizational structures within every system, micro and macro throughout the universe.
  • @lucas.hahn2027
    Im 12 and have been very fascinated with quantum physics and neuroscience; psychedelics, meditation,philosophy, and the spiritual world fit right in!