Weekly Horoscope July 29th to August 4th 2024 - True Sidereal Astrology

Published 2024-07-28
The weekly horoscope for July 29th 2024 has Mercury retrograde and a New Moon at the end of the week. This is a week of completions and tying up loose ends with the ending of the lunar cycle. A three week reflection and redoing process is on the horizon with Mercury station retrograde on Sunday. Venus squares Uranus giving us an opportunity for change and spontaneity.

Please see video for full details.

True sidereal astrology uses the real size and location of the constellations. For more info see: masteringthezodiac.com/#learnmore

True Sidereal Sun Signs:
(Based on the midpoint between constellations. If you are within three days of another sign you may want to watch that sign as well, since you are a blend of both.)

Aries (Apr 21 -- May 12)
Taurus: (May 13 -- Jun 19)
Gemini (Jun 20 -- Jul 16)
Cancer (Jul 17 -- Aug 6)
Leo (Aug 7 -- Sep 14)
Virgo (Sep 15 -- Nov 3)
Libra (Nov 4 -- Nov 22)
Scorpio (Nov 23 -- Dec 6)
Ophiuchus (Dec 7 -- Dec 18)
Sagittarius (Dec 19 -- Jan 19)
Capricorn (Jan 20 -- Feb 13)
Aquarius (Feb 14 -- Mar 9)
Pisces (Mar 10 -- Apr 20)

* Virgo spans the entire month of October

To find your sidereal moon and ascendant use the sidereal birth-chart calculator here:

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