Being an artist when you're struggling with mental health... Is it possible?

Published 2024-03-16
I'm back... And the whole video is quite self explanatory! I hope you find some light in this. Much love,

Your Biggest Drama Queen... Zelda Jeane. đŸ–€đŸ‘‘


I was depressed for the past two years.

I am creating an album this year. And I want your help.

Wait, wait, wait, wait

I was depressed for the past two years. Exactly two years ago today (16th March), my brain froze. It is only now slowly coming back to reality.

Since then, I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and something else that I will have the courage to share with you someday, through Art. Through my Album. Will you join me?

Today, I want to use this platform as a voice to recovery. A ray of hope. Some days tiny, some days bigger, hopefully.

All of this doesn’t define me, though. I thought so for two years. Two very, VERY long years. A painful event and breakup made me feel like that’s all I was. Have you ever been there? Then this is for you.

Since it happened, I also went back to studying my master Degree at BIMM, a Music college in London. After getting my Bachelor in 2022, I wanted to keep going with music. My degree was my whole life. It was everything I wished for and it made my life so much worth it - until I was broken, at the end of it. That’s when I created my Alter Ego, Zelda, that you can watch a glimpse of here.

For a whole year after creating Zelda though, I refused to even mention BIMM. I wanted to erase it from my story. I wanted to run away from all of this. I wanted to sing, still, but I felt ashamed, so ashamed. So I hid in my room and stopped talking to anyone. My family, my friends, my best friends, my loved ones, my therapist, my vocal coach, my ‘supporters’. If you know me and I « ghosted » you, trust me, this isn’t personal, and it never was. And I am terribly sorry. If you were from BIMM, I probably could not stand the image I thought you had of me, so I pretended BIMM and everyone involved never existed - not even myself.

If you are discovering me for the very first time on this video though, I want you to know that Mental Health struggles will NEVER define you. No matter how big of an impact it has on your everyday (and every night) life. I want you to know that there is Hope. And if you needed ONE single teeny tiny sign today, this is it. I am your sign.

I am back at BIMM for myself, to face my triggers, but also to keep on doing what I love the most - singing & expressing myself through Art.

I have to create an Album for the end of my Master this year, and I decided to make it all about Mental Health through a Breakup. All the words I kept locked in my room for the past two years, I want you to find healing in them, because without them, I would not be here today to count the tale.

I want to document my journey of being an artist through Mental Health diagnoses with you. I want to create this album for me, for you, and WITH you. For us.

I hope this journey filled with rawness, authenticity and a bit of glitter will inspire you.

I am creating a « concept album » with visuals, symbolism, a timeline, and with different Acts. The first one will consist of a few different songs about the origin of my mental health struggles starting with childhood. Followed by stories that scattered my mind over the past two years.

The first song, Drama Queen, will set the tone in a very, VERY short time
 Will you stay to listen?

Drama Queen is about the stigma around Mental Health and about people calling you « too much » or « extra » or « too dramatic » when simply expressing Classic Symptoms of a broken heart and of a Broken Spirit.

Remember, You matter. I matter.

So, Dear Drama Queen, will you join me through this journey? Subscribe to my channel and I will see you next week

All Comments (4)
  • I love the video and I’m really proud of you ❀ I can’t wait to hear your songs 😍
  • @redheadboo3915
    So proud of you girl you’re going to smash it when you return I know it!! Hopefully see you at Jaymis show in May ♄