France’s historic far-right election victory explained

Published 2024-07-01
As the French prime minister warned that the far-right was now at the 'gates of power' - the country's left wing and centrist parties are frantically trying to stop that happening.


The National Rally emerged with 33% of the votes after the first round of voting - and a record turnout.

Now all eyes are focused on this weekend's second round - and whether the other parties will come to a tactical agreement to block them.


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All Comments (21)
  • Speaking out against uncontrolled immigration means you’re ‘far right’?
  • The explanation is that many ordinary European people have had enough of uncontrolled mass immigration.
  • @Jennyeq
    The turning point was the migrant riots of 2 years ago. Seeing those who France had welcomed into their lands as equals going out and stealing, looting and destroying the towns they shared without shame was a bitter pill to swallow.
  • @MB10-66
    Far right???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No, just patriotic French citizens who want their country back
  • @hourbee5535
    The French people are tired of seeing the decline of their country going on for decades. Now the French people are reclaiming their country and dignity.
  • Seemingly, France is just as divided, and as discontented, as the UK.
  • If anybody wonders what "far right" means, it means anybody who questions fully open borders.
  • @angedusoleil
    “She is very close to Vladamir Putin”.. 🤔 Why does that sound so familiar?
  • @MarkCartret
    It is racist to be for your people? Your culture? And a safe society?
  • VIVA La France!!! Get to work reversing decades of self destruction.
  • How do people argue with democracy,if the people want a far-right party let them have it 👍
  • @butters_
    Far right 😂😂😂 anything that isn’t the usual extreme left is far right ?
  • Imagine protesting by waving Palestine Flag and Hezbollah flag, how is that convince others to vote for Macron or the Far left?