Published 2019-07-31

All Comments (21)
  • @akrummenacker
    Leaving this message in 2024, just so you know this video is still helping a lot of people. I haven't been given an official diagnosis but even before I saw this video, my neurologist is already mentioning the possibility of MS. And while I'm waiting to hear back on my Lumbar Puncture (spinal tap) results and what it reveals, I've been reading and checking videos like yours. And more and more, the symptoms are really lining up for MS. In many ways it would be a relief to finally have a diagnosis, since I've been going through non-stop hell for the last 4 years. So again, thank you for this. Hope things are going well for you now.
  • @missMediaChick
    As a couple of others have mentioned, this is also an indication of B12 deficiency. It mimics MS because B12 is required to keep the protective sheath around the nerves healthy. Without it, it disintegrates and the damage begins. I experienced all of these symptoms, along with a ton of others. I could barely walk, fell constantly, was developing dementia symptoms, couldn't physically speak at times, severe vertigo, on and on. They thought I had MS, but when the scan was clean they didn't know what to do. Months later, when I literally felt like I was weeks from death, one doctor realized they'd missed doing a few blood tests. Severe B12 deficiency. With treatment, I had some improvement, but was left with permanent nerve damage. While off work trying to recover, I developed a severe neuroimmune disease and have been almost completely disabled since. Fast forward 14 years, I've been experiencing new symptoms so I just had more MRIs done. I've got damage and lesions on my brain stem. Since so many months passed between the initial MRI and discovering the B12 deficiency, and because there was no second MRI done, I don't know if it's damage from the deficiency or if I've developed MS now, too. Waiting for further testing to determine the answer. Long story short, B12 deficiency is extremely serious. It does the exact same damage as MS, and people are sometimes mistakenly diagnosed with MS when it's actually a deficiency that can easily be treated. For some reason, a lot of doctors neglect to test for B12. I was shocked when I was told this was what was initially making me so incredibly ill, but I've since learned a lot about it. The past 14 years have been medical chaos for me. This young lady is very right.... don't rely on doctors to automatically know the answer. You know your body. If something doesn't feel right, don't stop until you find a doctor who will help you.
  • @x.y.7385
    Yup, we have to diagnose ourselves and then pay a doctor for it...just great
  • @tn9784
    Your video encouraged me to go to the doctor and push for an MRI. No one thought I had MS. But I do. This was at the end of May. I’ve seen an amazing neurologist and am doing the paperwork and bloodwork etc to prepare for my first MS therapy - Ocrevus. Thank you so much for sharing. You literally are saving lives and getting people to seek out answers. ❤️
  • Cheers to you for keeping on those doctors!! My father was diagnosed when he was 45. He is now 89 and was able to stay out of a wheelchair until he was 80. He followed a special diet (fish, chicken, low fat, and took cod liver oil supplements). He has lived a very healthy life until his age caught up with him in the last few years. I sure know what you mean about doctors not listening though! I had slipped discs in my neck--suffered with tingling in my finger tips for 6 years and thought I had MS. My Chiropractor figured it out. I had the surgery to repair the slipped discs and got the feeling back in my left hand and most of my right hand. Life is unpredictable! Good luck and thanks for the great video!
  • The comment section feels like such a support group❤️... Thank you for creating the platform for us to share our experiences. God be with us through this
  • @jamie4574
    My sister has had so so many investigations for her autoimmune stuff and it’s debilitating. Every symptom she has, they put it down to mental health or chronic fatigue syndrome. She’s even spent £300 on a private appointment with a neuro. He referred her for bloods, MRI spine and MRI of the brain. Sadly no more information was found although MS was ruled out because there were no brain or spinal lesions. She’s 31 and doesn’t leave the house much due to pain and mobility issues despite being very slim. I’m so happy you managed to get diagnosed and get treatment that’s working for you ❤
  • @charmain2855
    Selma Blair. The famous actress went through the same exact thing. She had MS for years and no doctor would do a thing until she physically fell in front of her doctor because she couldn’t stand. Then she was diagnosed. Watch her story if you are interested. It sort of frightened me as I suffer from health anxiety so I try my best to stay away from these types of videos but it shocks me how doctors cannot connect these dots.
  • @philipp5884
    Thanks so much for your video and explanation. I may have the start of MS after a brain MRI showed lesions. It’s a sneaky disease and I love the way you filled in the lines between the dots. Your positivity and bubbly personality have filled me with the confidence to persevere with the specialist! Thanks again 🙏
  • @pamelcakes04
    I'm really scared that this may be the path that I am headed down. I already have a bunch of health issues and have noticed over the last few years of things progressing this way. I applaud your strength in sharing your story with such grace.
  • @Leoviliti1
    I have secondary progressive M.S and the twanging of the body feels like a pull back /let go catapultation of all my muscles and nerves so your guitar string description is another cool way of describing it, bless ya! ...❤️
  • I got diagnosed three years ago. Thank you for sharing your story and letting people know how to advocate for themselves and what to look out for.
  • @rae2622
    I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me now and MS has come up a few times. It's scary but I'm glad I found your video. It was really informative for someone like me trying to find some answers!
  • I’m catching this one year later- I too had a long hard discovery journey. I fired 2 neurologist for pure stupidity- shame on them for not referring you to the MS Society for better up-to-date info. Bravo for sharing- my MS is now 21 years since diagnosis. After one year of Drs. and prescription drugs I found an alternative healing with raw foods, exercise and acupuncture- do your own research and find a support group as every MS case is personal. ♥️
  • @joffs123
    Thanks, Rhian - your MS journey sounds a little like mine - not exactly the same symptoms, but the isolated onset of “unrelated” symptoms which in hindsight can be connected by joining the MS dots is EXACTLY what I went through. Thank you for sharing your journey - I am sure it will provide others (both diagnosed and undiagnosed) with some peace of mind. Well done.
  • @lolotims3093
    Thanks for this. I am 61 years old and have been having symptoms since a bout of measles when I was 25. Only one doctor joined the dots and sent me for an MRI when I was 53. Unfortunately I had a major panic attack and the MRI didn’t happen. Then I had to move due to domestic abuse. Now all these years later I am still battling to get a doctor to take my concerns seriously. In December 2021 I had an episode where my right leg decided not to walk anymore and I was hospitalised. An MRI on the spine showed nothing contributing to that problem. I went to see my doctor who has referred me to a neurologist as I told him I was worried it could be MS. However it’s nearly May and still no appointment. But your video has spurred me on to make a detailed list of symptoms. Thanks for the inspiration xx
  • Just found your page and I was just recently diagnosed with ms this year and had a 3 month flare up I’m really glad to see that it looks like your living a good life ❤️I’m scared to see where life with ms is going to take me but I’m going to document it on my channel !
  • This is a very good video to remind us that every diagnosis is unique. Thank you for making. Hope you are doing well! 🧡🧡🧡
  • @kerrywoods5314
    You are one heck of a brave lady. Thank you for doing this video. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Thank you for sharing - the symptoms sound very subtle in the beginning and that really helps to know and hear about. Wishing you well!