Dedication Video for my Grandmother Elvira Sykes’ 100th Birthday 🥳 🎂 🎊

Published 2022-09-20
This video is dedicated to my Grandmother, and the matriarch of our clan, Elvira Sykes. She is truly a remarkable woman and role model. She was and is a wonderful human being, who has worked hard and accomplished a great deal in her 100 years on Earth.
At the age of nine she fell and sprained her ankle. Unfortunately it was 1931, and in states in the Deep South, like Louisiana, Jim Crow was very much alive. Instead of treating her ankle, the doctors ignored their Hippocratic oath, and experimented on her. They cut her leg open from her knee to her ankle. Then, they wrapped plaster around her open wound, and allowed it to harden into a cast. Over time, her leg got infected. The infection became so bad that she could’ve easily lost her leg AND her LIFE!
Although she lost the ability to bend her right leg, she went on to learn to drive, have and raise 3 children along with younger siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins AND grandchildren! On top of that she worked as a naval contractor for the U.S. government for over 30 years!!!
She is truly someone to be appreciated, applauded and admired. She prays daily and has always believed that if you are in a position to help someone, then that is what you should do. Help others! It just might be one of the secrets to her longevity. 😉
Please watch and enjoy this video.
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