Walking From Novabase Toastmasters to Web Summit [UNCUT!]

Published 2017-10-10
The Novabase Toastmasters Clubs is hosting a special event by the same time that Lisbon’s Web Summit is taking place – Nov 6th to 9th.

The event is called “Web Summit Comes to Novabase” and it's going to be a unique opportunity to see the Web Summit speakers in the Toastmasters environment.

On this video, I'm going to show you just how fast you can get from the Novabase HQ to the Web Summit (or the other way around).

If you're a Web Summit speaker, the Novabase Toastmasters Club would like to invite you to be part of this speacial one-of-a-kind event!

Here's how you could take advantage of this event:

1. Practice your WebSummit speech and get feedback from our Toastmasters team (we eat feedback for breakfast).

2. Turn your speech into a “talk” format and get into Q&A with an audience filled with 100+ IT Consultants.

3. Use it as a platform to explore something else that you didn’t get to do on the WebSummit stage.

Reach out to me if you want to join us!

Social Media: iamBrunoCoelho
Phone: +351 96 53 77 444
E-mail: bcoelho [at] iamBrunoCoelho.com

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