Julia Hartley-Brewer CLASHES With Work From Home Advocate

Published 2024-07-03
Julia Hartley-Brewer clashes with work from home advocate Jess Gill.

Working from home, while offering flexibility and convenience, comes with several challenges and potential downsides.

These problems can impact productivity, mental health, and work-life balance.

Jess Gill: "I've been in an office environment, and it just feels like school all over again."

Julia: "I would have thought getting the job done was the most vital thing."

#workfromhome #offices #juliahartleybrewer #talk

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All Comments (21)
  • @jimweights8908
    WFH is incredible. So many family meals. I saw my children grow up. Previously I would have seen them 3-4 weeks a year or weekends when I was wrecked
  • @nicksmith4361
    This young woman is not an ideal employee and doesn’t warrant a full time job.
  • @mmaramotswe1024
    Getting the job done quickly so you can watch Netflix does not mean you have the job well. This kid has no idea about doing a quality job and putting a real shift in.
  • It’s funny julia is so against work from home when nearly all her guest work from home. I haven’t seen one of them make the journey into her studio
  • @dianeirvine7624
    The extra time I save on travelling is spent sitting in the garden it’s lovely
  • @nicksmith4361
    As an employer I would want my employees at work getting the job done. If someone is a full time employee they should be at the workplace not on the beach or out shopping.
  • @Yorci62
    If you are at work, what are they doing scrolling through X. It says a lot about the ethics of these people. In the office/workplace they are subject to scrutiny. Her generation is skive to survive.
  • It's a gen z thing. You should see them where I work, yakking, bitching, playing, flirting, messing about, arse-licking, and the noise - in a call centre! But the bosses seem to love it... and those most guilty of it seem to do very well for themselves. II'd love to work from home just for a few minutes peace so I could concentrate
  • @davetdowell
    Ah! It finally makes sense... did none of the 'managers' realise that letting the nurses WFH would cause a staffing crisis on the wards?
  • @TheBarnster75
    You could put your phone down but you'll still get bombarded by pointless emails and Teams messages. As for open plan offices...😭
  • Its not work unless you put on a pink blazer and sit in a studio 😂. Utter genius Julia.
  • @user-sx3pc4dj3r
    If you can do your job online, why drive to work with everyone else? Why rent office space when you don't need to. WFH makes sense. Most of them can be totally replaced by chat GPT anyway.
  • @Jim_Buck
    "Watching the telly when you're working?" - have you heard of youtube?! What do you think people listen to in the office? I had to listen to something because I was sick off shite music blaring across the whole building. Is there no way to monitor work/productivity remotely? My team were more productive working from home but then they needed us back in the office to lecture us about DEI bollocks and that we had to support the "Pret economy". All this when the cost of living crisis was kicking in (It's been stagnant wages for years) so no wonder people are completely over it. I quit my job last year and now work remotely 100%, so screw anyone complaining about WFH! Honestly, people are been completely thick headed about this. Get real!
  • @lucyallsop88
    Love someone from India could do your job for a fraction of your salary. Be careful what you wish for.
  • @owi3693
    this young lady is working SMART. Listen - why should anyone work to fill someone elses pockets for crap pay and Iin poor conditions (I worked in NHS poor pay and conditions). People of my generation put up with it FOR WHAT? GOOD ON THE YOUNGER ONES OF TODAY I SAY. I TELL MY CHILDREN A WORK LIFE BALANCE IS IMPORTANT AND WHILST YOU WORK FOR SOMEONE ELSE YOU ARE A NUMBER. NOTHING MORE. I tell them to strive hard at uni so they only have to work 4 days a week. Life is to me enjoyed. The government drives and initiatives about looking after your physical and mental health WELL GUESS WHAT MY KIDS TOOK NOTICE AND THEY FOLLOWED YOUR ADVICE AND MINE.
  • @paulmurray412
    Depends on your character and whether your job can be done remotely. I'm contracted 5 days a week but work most evenings and weekends (100% remote).
  • @adrianward7888
    Maybe she should go self employed, then see what she has to say!
  • @0ccam5Raz0r
    Firms don't want to pay properly so for me, I'm happy to do less now, after 20 years of rubbish pay rises. At least I'm not paying the fuel prices to work for a greedy firm that feels entitled to keep demanding 10% increase growth in profits but paying 3% salary increases, and wanting my unpaid time to get there. Happy to talk money to go in... but nothing on that note🤷‍♂️ Julia believes the firms will pay when they make the money. Mine is hugely successful... but it wants to pay as little as it can get away with.
  • @leslierowe2337
    These youngsters are just pathetic they always have a go at the pensioners but most pensioners went to work and not in a lovely little office most worked in manual industries