Published 2022-07-02

All Comments (21)
  • About Nell being all luck: "Most opportunities are created by luck, but it takes skill to grasp those opportunities and turn them into success".
  • @derkatwork33
    Get ready everyone. It’s time for Math with Mangs.
  • @JacksonJinn
    Anyone who plays D&D will tell you; it's not about rolling high. It's about rolling at the right time. About being in a position to tank low rolls, and capitalize on high rolls. If you can't do that, you can't win, no matter how lucky you are.
  • @RDG99
    As a CO: Not as good as people would think As a waifu: Best
  • @HanakkoLove
    History of Nell in Competitive Advance Wars
  • @whitejake420
    I don't know why this was recommended to me, I've never even played these games. But I still enjoyed the video, everything was explained well enough that I got the basic idea of what was being discussed and it was delivered in a clear, concise, and entertaining way that held my attention. Excellent job!
  • @Kalancodragon
    I think that Nell is roughly tier 1.5-1.8, I think that properly played she actually is around the top of tier 2 and the bottom of tier 1. The thing is, you don't have to play her any differently than a "stock" CO with no abilities, since she has zero weaknesses. She just randomly gives you extra surprise damage. Now, with her powers active that means that on average you can take extra risks, and get a lot of bonus damage (and you should, like risking an infantry for a tank), but you can also play conservative and it still works. That's her big meta strength, I think; you can play carefully or go for glory and she has the ability to work, as long as you're not outright stupid about it.
  • @PyrelordPazuzu
    I like her placement on this video, Nell being a midcard T2 is probably as close to accurate as one can get. No one wants to play against her, T4 feels wrong as she can wreck all other T4s and is also mostly favorable against T3s, putting her as T2 on AWBW would carry the notion of her being balanced which would give admins headache when people start asking why is she banned, so her being a pseudo T0 on the website is probably for the best as they are all banned anyway. Lash is probably the T3 with the best chance against Nell on certain maps, but Lash air do not get terrain stars while Nell luck applies to everyone so I see Nell grinding Lash down little by little more than the opposite.
  • @sherrdreamz7232
    In Standard play she could definitely pass for Tier 2 as Mangs outlined. However her potential to utilize the deathball Strategy with Infantry dispersed throughout, aswell as set up ambushes tips the scale far enough to warrant Tier 1 in Fog imo. She might not be any lower than bottom 2 in Tier 1 in Fog, however theoretically I imagine her potential is greatly increased when your opponent doesn't know your armies location. Due to that I would roughly rate her as a Tier 1 CO in FOW matches. Granted bigger maps she will definitely be less terrifying, however wallbreaking her is going to hurt you more than just about any CO due to how Infantry and backup Recons become such vicious Glass Cannons. This is all theorizing though, I would love to see two very good players try a mid size Map with Nell vs Tier 1 FOW.
  • @MrMarket1987
    All things considered, Max is probably the best CO to compare her with in terms of pros and cons you could have picked to measure her Tier: Max has a higher damage consistency with his direct vehicles, but Nell's bonuses can kick in from a distance, and in terms of Infantry and Mechs vs each other, Nell is prone to having a little more damage dealt leaning in her favor. In terms of Powers and Supers, Max has what it takes to "snipe" at her with the extra movement range only he benefits from, but a Nell managing to time her Powers and Supers well may melt through his units once within range, at times with drastic cost-effective results. Nell is otherwise relying purely on fundamentals with some Luck present, and she has no weaknesses of any kind either. She is a better Olaf than Olaf on base skill, except on Snow. She can't out-infantry Sami, but the rest of her army is a tough bar to deal with, and her Recons can certainly give Sami's own and her Infantry a hard time for relatively cheap to slow their advance. And only Eagle's flying units make Nell hold back a bit when the rest of his army is inferior overall without Super. Tier 2 seems alright for her.
  • Another thing about Nell is her counterattacks. While Lady Luck is up it's so scary to attack her units.
  • another thing to consider is, that when playing against nell, you can think around her power. everyone likes to bring up the "nell infantry one-punching neotanks" argument, but when playing against nell on standard or fog, you most likely will not have to build a neotank, so just don't do it. If you rely on bread and butter units, the worst that can basically happen is losing a battlecopter(value wise), And building expensive units as nell is not really playing into her advantage, so i think most COs can simply try to keep their value per unit low as well, and stick to defensive terrain to keep nells powers to a minimum.
  • @TheZackofSpades
    I see you, Sensei Theme while talking about the B Copter rush❤
  • @davidowen1506
    Nels value doesn’t come from comparing tanks vs tank. Nels value comes from the fact that on average when she pops her superpower, any unit will deal 5hp on average or more to every other unit in the game. What effectively this means is on average it’s a global deal 5 damage to all enemy units if Nel has a unit within range.
  • @Davtwan
    You don’t hope for high luck. You use luck for unexpected damage. High rolls are the frosting; good matchups are the cake.
  • Wait… didn’t Nell and Grit use to be a thing before the events of AW 1? If so that’s fascinating that the developers might have been hinting at a play style similar to grit.
  • I would say AW 1 Nell is stronger, because it’s more likely that an engagement occurs where your unit is missing hp, than an engagement where your unit deals absolutely no damage. AW2 Nell has more meme potential though, with tanks sinking battleships and infantry nuking neotanks.