Head like a Hole (Nine Inch Nails): Super Mario World instrumental

Published 2021-06-15
Since nobody else on YouTube decided to, I thought I'd replace the instrumental in the original song with Super Mario World instruments. The only shortcut I took was downloading a vocal-only video as an MP3 and importing it into Audacity first. I charted the MIDI myself and then used a nifty MIDI player that uses soundfonts, loaded a Super Mario World soundfont, and recorded it within the software as a WAV file after setting the instruments to my liking. After that, I imported that into Audacity and adjusted the vocals until I was happy with their position. I got the idea because the Reznor triceratops bosses in the fortresses were named after Trent (a way better display of legitimacy than any award; long after he's dead people will still be playing Super Mario World, and he will forever be immortalized by his name being in an all-time classic).

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