'You Were Not Wearing A Mask': Ted Cruz Asks Buttigieg Point Blank About Being Caught Without A Mask

Published 2022-05-03

All Comments (21)
  • Cruz says, “We don’t have a lot of time. “ so then he doesn’t let Mr. Buttigieg answer any of his questions.
  • @kyleh6984
    This is the same Senator caught fleeing to Cancun when people in Texas where freezing to death.
  • @edwinpfaff75
    constantly interrupting, he is afraid to let him make a statement because he actually makes sense.
  • "I made a personal risk decision..." but I thought the argument the whole time was that the mask was to protect the other person who might be more vulnerable.
  • @lvteachme973
    What a joke! There are a bunch of clowns in office.
  • @chuck8974
    It's disgusting that the CDC was given god-like power, and there's not an elected official among them. This is akin to taxation without representation.
  • @cfoskeeter
    Mask mandates had expiration dates and was extended many times. To say that they would have let it expire May 3rd is total bs.
  • Question: Exactly WHEN did we vote in the people at the CDC to represent us??? WE DIDN'T. It's a massive abuse of power. #PeteButtigeig
  • “Millions of Twitter users are upset, today. Not because they fear they will be censored, but because they fear people that disagree with them may not be banned or censored.” - ZubyMusic
  • @A1Pro77
    Q: Why did you choose not to wear a mask at the correspondents dinner? A: Because I CHOSE not to. Translate: I should have a choice but the people I rule over should not have that same choice! We The People: Then neither should you!
  • They are all part of the same club, hypnotizing you to cheer for one of them, while the real problems are not only ignored but UNHEARD-of.
  • @Makai77
    Petey- “If I’m not mistaken, most Americans support the mask mandate.” Me- “‘you are mistaken.”
  • @mac8080
    You have EVERY right to yell fire in a crowded theater. You will just be liable for anything that happens after. we don't need to ban speech period!
  • Nothing ever happens to these liars so what good does it do to question them.
  • The smirk on his face when asked about the Hunter s Laptop 😮😮😮 it s unreal this is real life.
  • @bobhager41
    The CDC does not have the legal right to demand everyone wear masks where ever
  • @chrislane3932
    Fundamental human rights are not issued or controlled by governments. End of argument
  • @steveb7429
    Cancun Ted is the pillar of justice, equality, and forthrightness. Hopefully Texas will show him the door and then he can go live in Cancun
  • @bradd9326
    I like how that pervert deflects with the greatest of ease.