Painting Imagination

Published 2016-07-12
Another video of zooming into a fractal in XaoS, set to some random 'chill' I found on the net, song is called "Painting Imagination - Tempo Giusto, Jace Headland, Memoire & Bliss" this fractal's a 'Phoenix',(in Mandelbrot Mode, might have spelled that wrong in the credits, not rendering it again) built a more powerful computer, so it's a bit smoother, stretched this one, by slowing it down to 87% so it would fit, the result is kind of nice, hope you like it.

I can't overstate this, the settings in the credits are just the settings i used in XaoS, the actual 'maths' are way too complex for my feeble brain. When I was a kid, I decided maths were boring and I didn't need them, so didn't learn them properly, now that I'm (arguably) old I see that damn near everything that interests me greatly, IE music visualizations, programming, graphics/computer stuff in general etc. involves mathematics in one way shape or form, so I'm kicking myself, got some catching up to do I guess... (though, to be fair, computers as such, were fairly primitive when I was know, just short of an abacus....) :-p

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