"DC Marvel: Alliance - Civil War" | Pay The Price [TV-Spot #7]

Published 2022-03-12
With the planet still picking up the pieces from the invasion of Brainiac & later, because of the further illegal actions of Nick Fury leading to civilian casualties & collateral damage, Lex Luthor, as the president of the United States assembles with the United Nations, issuing political pressure needed to install a system of accountability upon the Avengers, Justice League, & the rest of the superhuman/vigilante society across the world. While there are those who oppose this new law in hopes of starting a rebellion, there are some who disagree & believe in the needed oversight - causing everyone to choose a side. A Civil War ensued.

Book #2 coming soon.

Read book #1 of 5, "DC Marvel: Alliance" here:

Based on characters from DC, DC Vertigo, Marvel & Marvel: Knights.

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