ADHD Meal Hack! 🤌🏼

Published 2022-08-28

All Comments (21)
  • @buttercorn
    "Ignore how i look, I'm beautiful" I think you look great 🙂
  • @TheBoyFromNarnia
    I like eating spicy ramen because its simple, tastes good, and the warmth of the brothe and the noodles going down my throat sends like a comforting warmth through my body
  • Cold cereal and milk, is my go to, if I don't want to cook, because I'm under the weather.
  • @AleacimNitram
    I used to do this, but somehow I convinced myself that it was immature to eat food without a plate or silverware so I just went back to my old habits of going days without eating. Thanks for reminding me about this hack😅I will eat something today🫶
  • @keeahrahr3311
    I got an egg cooker off of Amazon and it's great! I can have 7 soft-hard boiled eggs in 5 minutes without needing to time anything or boil water- if I'm not able to, I also don't really need to clean anything because the eggs are just getting placed in there in their shells and the steam eliminates any bacteria that could be on them. Equally important, it looks like a super cute little space ship!!
  • @kellin6165
    Yes I do this same shit, being able to just grab quick food like this n go back to my bed as quickly as possible has been very beneficial for my mental state when I have no energy or motivation to move
  • I have a food subscription. They bring me food every three days, so even if im feeling worst i can just open a food box from my frigde, microwave it and boom done, i eat 3 times a day no matter what. Honestly, it saves me so much time and health, i cant even imagine
  • @voiceless5876
    Salad kits are one of my go-to's!! I love the sunflower seed one and the sesame Asian one! Just cut it all open, mix it into a bowl, and bam there's lunch. Surprisingly filling honestly And a huge plus to this (aside from actually eating lol) is getting to use my favorite bowl, which is a giant glass measuring cup haha Another tip is to buy a few bowls/plates/cups/silverware/etc that you REALLY like, so that it gives your brain that extra little boost of serotonin to get started :)
  • Instant soup and instant mashed potatoes mixed together, then just add enough hot water. Makes a tasty flavorful potato mush.
  • @NicholeParker
    Soup!! Soup has always been a comfort food. It’s quick. It’s easy. There’s so many different types! You can add crackers or croutons for crunch, so it’s versatile! I eat a lot of soup …
  • Honestly all kinds of versions of cheese and crackers have been great for my ADHD brain too. Something is better than nothing sometimes.
  • cheese, crackers, cranberries, and chocolate chips are my go-to making-myself-eat plate. Toast. Pudding. Mashed potatoes. Really random comfort foods when sick.
  • @FeralWetCat
    I just eat a slice of bread honestly, sometimes I put peanut butter in it, that's it, I don't know why it gives the satisfaction it does
  • microwave popcorn! it’s fast, simple and consistent. it satisfies the salty craving i tend to have and the need for crunch without feeling too heavy
  • @kelly-ux8zy
    I love that new word- substinence 👍sustenance and substance 😊
  • @jillhagen
    I've been having pretzels, grapes, and a string cheese for lunch lately. It's been working well for me!
  • @Love4everFree
    Smoothies. Often I can't bear to sit down and Sipping on something through a straw let's me get the nutrition I need while not really thinking about it. I've made them so often that they don't require a lot of thought now, I just dump stuff in the bullet blender and hit go. Boom, instant meal with protein powder, chia seeds, hemp hearts, fruit juice or milk, frozen fruit, ice, and sometimes peanut butter.
  • @padyn4911
    Our chaos meals are quite similar! I eat club crackers and pepperonis.
  • Those little Mac and cheese cups that auntie Annie produces works for me, if I have a little extra energy I also like adding some chili flakes and tiny mozzarella pearls (make sure you tear them in half so they melt)
  • I got really into cottage cheese. If I'm feeling sweet I add a fruit cup (easy cupboard grab) or any fresh fruit I have. If I want savory, I found it really good with cherry tomatoes, maybe peppers or cucumber depending on what's handy, and some garlic powder. Tastes great, good protein and low carb which I needed to watch.