Published 2024-05-26

All Comments (21)
  • I really hope DE keeps giving non-incarnon weapons cool unique utility type mods. If they can't keep up with damage, give them another purpose in our loadouts that help other tools. But also tools that still incentivize to use the weapon, unlike say the amalgam mods where you don't use the weapom the mod is on at all.
  • @piterrospl9512
    From what I know, in terms of raw power in its category, it's second to Torid Incarnon. And considering that Incarnons are a thing locked behind SP, and that being locked behind New War, Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the Walls, it makes for a good early game option (since Liches/Sisters are available right after The War Within, much earlier in the general progression). And the added utility of the NW augment sounds really nice.
  • @bizu953
    Also to note, if you go with the second build with corrosive shards, you can take Nourish as a subsume, adding Viral and so much more damage
  • @GrubThompson
    I’m using a build with cold + magnetic + corrosive + radiation right now while waiting for the energy augment and I like it a lot so far.
  • I had built mine similar to your corrosive/frostbite build and was having a blast. I can't wait for those cold changes to roll in so things go even more crazy!
  • @D01287410
    I think going Cold+ Magnetic+ Corrosive is better for this weapon. You apply cold stacks so fast that most enemies are slowed to a complete crawl, and the cold stacks do bump up the crit damage a lot as well ( and that will be buffed with the new update). Two emerald shards and this thing strips armor off enemies at stupid speeds. Corpus units will fall over as their shields get evaporated by the magnetic procs, and infested will just be slowed to the point they can do anything (will be frozen fully solid in the new update). I think with the armor changes coming soon, I believe Hunter Munition will lose some of its luster as well as the go to Viral Heat set ups everyone just slaps on weapons and calls it a day.
  • Hey brozime thanks for your continued work on youtube! Sadly i don't have time to join twitch but do know i appreciate your efforts here.
  • @ElDocBruh
    Finally, my Schwarzenegger Mr Freeze loadout will have the power to match its puns.
  • Its a fun gun that I will likey use for utility once augment is out. I think primed shred causes additional chaining as well.
  • @walker3288
    I'd like to say its worth putting punch through on as it increases the number of enemies you can chain too. I've been using it with primed shred and its very good.
  • i run magnetic, corrosive, cold, and 2 green shards and it replaced my torid/ torid is stronger but with with the glaxion you dont have to keep dealing the the incarnon build up and ammo loss
  • @SpyroX.I
    In the second build try this: Vigilante Supplies i nexilus, Frostbite in arcane, Crit delay > GScope, HM > Vigilante Fervor TRUST
  • @Throrface
    I'm still using my Glaxion every now and then. It's my second most favourite primary weapon in Warframe. I have a god roll riven mod that makes it ok.
  • @kingkino2116
    building a beam weapon with zero damaging statuses is crazy
  • @funnyguy7511
    As of jade shadows it’s nasty with the new augment and the cold changes especially if u run frost with wisps surge to bump the dmg. Also the augment for his passive for the extra crit
  • @SnowLightMedia
    This feels like that switch up moment. "This was working... until it wasn't!"
  • @Kasandra_
    Highly recommend dropping radiation for galvanized scope and swapping the arcane to deadhead. Headshots are trivial with this gun and it doesn't need shards to significantly outperform the rad version with shards.
  • @haydencox8006
    Honestly I kindve rely on the percentage usage but as well what the community has enjoyed I’ve seen good positivity around T glaxion and without a doubt now I’ve now enjoyed using magnetic damage a ton now ever since stat rework and I think we need to actually give this a fair shot that Torid could have competition itself the further updates we even get
  • People were saying why use this when the Torrid exists but I built mine yesterday with radiation/corrosive/cold with no forma yet and I found it just as effective at killing SP enemies as the Torid but more fun to use because it slows down the enemy with cold and confuses them with radiation and it chains enemies better IMO. They couldn't even get near me before they were dead. My Torid kills a little bit more quickly but it's not half as fun as the Tenet Glaxion and I don't have to proc Incarnon for it.