Samurai Jack: Becoming A Warrior - Detail Diatribe

Published 2021-05-14
We inverted a Trope Talk, and wound up with this. It's a brand new show! Taking deep dives into specific scenes from the media we love. First up: the training montage from the Samurai Jack Premiere Movie.

Our content is intended for teenage audiences and up.





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All Comments (21)
  • @abthedragon4921
    I don't know what's better: Blue and Red as dolls on the chair or Cleo just adorably napping on the floor! XD
  • @Sk-gk8zq
  • @JoCat
    finally, an opportunity to talk about the justice league cartoon exhaustively
  • oh if you want an example of how ridiculously adaptable Jack is, he gets turned into a chicken, gets put into a monster fighting ring & he STILL kicks ass ...yeah, I love that technically his name is just "Samurai dude"
  • @SkipSandwich
    Another genius decision of the pilot is how it establishes that Jack absolutely can destroy Aku in a direct fight, thus giving a perfect explanation as to why the all-powerful main antogonist sends armies of disposable minons after the hero instead of showing up to crush him peraonally.
  • @beretperson
    "oh, a new osp series about fiction, nice" Blue starts talking "WHAT BIZARRE PARALLEL UNIVERSE IS THIS?"
  • @TheSpeep
    So this series is basically just gonna be Red & Blue fawning over their favourite shows, and I'm all for that.
  • @manomo7123
    I love how it’s normally the villain that is taken down by an extensive monologue but this time it was the hero
  • @stormichigura
    the overall lack of dialogue makes The Scotsman so much better as a character. He's like a special treat whenever he shows up.
  • It’s funny. As a kid I could have sworn that there was more dialogue, but when I rewatched it as an adult I realized that the show is a masterclass is ‘show, don’t tell’.
  • @DParkerNunya
    I just realised that Jack is actual proof of the 'Old Man Henderson' from Call of Cthulhu works. His backstory has so much stuff packed into it that they could claim he had knowledge to do just about anything that people just accept it.
  • @Ichigo90
    One of the things I remember from watching as a kid is when he first arrived in future land, he’s greeted by three guys going “yo, Jack, you just fell from the sky, Jack. What’s up with that?” And then at the end of the episode when someone asks his name, he flashes back those guys calling him Jack, and then claims that as his name.
  • @FuzzyStripetail
    The sassiness of doll Red putting her doll arm on the arm of that armchair proved that most of Red's personality was imbued within her doll.
  • I just realized something: a Japanese dude gets transported to a different world than his own, goes on one adventure after another where he always comes out on top, and is on a quest to defeat a demon lord. Samurai Jack is an isekai.
  • Jack's parents were genre savvy and their entire plan was to make him the most protagonist-y protagonist to try and ensure Aku's defeat, lol Also - YES. This is what I've wanted since starting to watch trope talk
  • @talleywa5772
    This has left me desperately wanting an epilogue episode or even two parter that explores Jack's acclimation to life without Aku. The PTSD from over 50 years of death traps and assassins. The debilitation of having his formative years stolen So he could be forged into the ultimate weapon. The inevitable sense of emptiness that swiftly follows monumental achievement. The culture clash of being permanently stuck in his own time. The grief of losing Ashi only amplified by feeling like he is facing all of this alone. You could slide any half dozen combinations of the laundry list of psychological traumas that are going to plague him. And with Genndy having polished his style to a diamond shine This could be an absolute tour de Force without bringing back any of the original voice cast.... I miss Mako.
  • @burnin8able
    I can't wait for the inevitable 3 hour long diatribe about A:TLA
  • @marvalice3455
    I love samurai jack so much. Fun fact: for a long time, jack was such a common nane that it became another word for "man". Hence "jack of all trades"
  • @adamdao4826
    If red and blue do atla for this series it’s gonna be an hour long
  • When my son was 3 years old, he could recite the entire intro in Aku's voice. We shared it every week.