Halo Infinite Story & Ending Explained

Published 2021-12-09
Halo Infinite Story & Ending Explained. Halo Infinite campaign has just been released so I thought I would put together a Story & Ending Explained video. Halo Infinite campaign takes place on Zeta Halo and is about the new threat called The Banished. It's a wonderful campaign so I want to take some time to explain to those who may not have understood its story.

Halo Series Retrospective:    • A Halo Series Retrospective  
0:00 Intro
0:36 Halo 4 & 5 Recap
2:58 Halo Infinite Story
16:54 Outro
Music Courtesy of Halo Infinite OST
   • Halo Infinite Official Campaign Sound...  

0;00 Through the Tress
5;57 Under Cover
12;02 Zeta Halo
Outro: Orca Vibes - Gypsy
- open.spotify.com/artist/5Uh59QapXCVX8TWwsDJo5N
- orcavibes.bandcamp.com/

Hope You Enjoyed!
#HaloInfinite #Gingy #HaloInfiniteStory

All Comments (21)
  • @Gingy
    Oops! I seemed to have messed up some of my information when talking about Zeta Halos size and The Primodial. My apologizes and thanks to all of those who informed me :)
  • @Dustyoo10
    Quick correction about Zeta Halo: It isn't 3 times larger (30,000 kilmoteres) than the other rings. It USED to be when it was part of the original 12 ring array, but it was reduced in size after suffering massive damage, eventually becoming 10,000 kilometeres in diameter, the size of the other rings.
  • @LordsOfInfinite
    Say what you will, been with Halo since day one. The first time ever I teared up during cut scenes. The storyline is planted perfectly within the game.
  • @avefenixflames
    Also it is implied in the legendary ending that the endless are immune to the halo rings and that they can control time. "Time" seems to be important at the end because when they escaped the weapon said that somehow 3 days passed, I have a theory that in the fight with the harbinger and when she was about to free the endless, they altered the time there. Also it may explain why Atriox want to free the endless so he can somehow control time and go back before his planet was destroyed Edit: At the start of the legendary cut scene it says 97,368 BCE, the human/forerunner wars were in 106,445 BCE so Atriox may have already went back in time Edit2: I think the ring shaped structures in the game have a bigger meaning, I think they will be used as time portals in the game, so you can jump between times to go back to Zeta halo in the past.
  • @Kekktye
    Actually, the Legendary ending basically confirms that 07's monitor and Offensive Bias were put in charge of imprisoning the endless and Atriox is likely freeing them
  • @xenosaiyan-8106
    This person Gingy does the best job explaining the story of Halo Infinite, so many gaps bridged with very intelligent insights. Thank you so much.
  • @breguera77
    I think the Harbinger herself was a precursor. My first suspicion was when she was talking to the Spartan and interrupts him saying “I shall talk, and you shall listen.” Given that the flood are remnants of the precursors, I think it’s clear what they were trying to foreshadow.
  • @unsortedguy
    Really great summary and retelling of the story! This story was a very personal story, and I love that! The ending was so sweet heartwarming and I cannot wait too see what comes next. Not only the bigger threat, but what happen to the previous character such as Lasky, Palmer, Halsey etc I assume most of them are alive and I really want to go out there and find them. hehe
  • @MrScy13
    Only one thing that was missed was the ending cut scene before entering the pelican. Chief asks Cortana 2.0 where they are. She said something like, "a bigger question is when are we? We were in there for 3 days." They also mention time in the legendary ending. So not sure if the ring will involve time travel and what that means to the Halo saga as a whole.
  • @truck3750
    Dude this is the best explanation video I’ve ever seen. Idk how you remembered everything but good shit bro thank you i was a little confused after finishing the game
  • @CrisjoseCruz
    The fact cortana and the created story threads were just dealt with off screen is very disappointing. Halo 7 opens on MC: “thank god we dealt with those endless now for atriox”
  • @coldfruit
    I don’t think Cortana is dead. I think she became the ring, which is how the ring has a life force, and how the ring mysteriously helps chief out sometimes, like the portal thing at the end of the game. I think Cortana is refusing to contact the chief because of what she said at the end, she couldn’t spoil his life any longer. I think she wants the chief to think she is dead so he can move on. Im 100% sure she is coming back in the future. After all she is an AI connected to the forerunner domain how is she going to just die. Nah fam. She alive.
  • The "dying constantly with jackal snipers" got me right in the feels •́ ‿ ,•̀
  • @claystedman6923
    I really hope they do story dlc for this game. This game's story looks great, but it also looks like an intro to a even better and bigger story later on. With dlc, we could also potentially see things like the flood, and different locations such as snowy and desert areas, which would be really cool. An Arbiter dlc would also be fantastic, but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
  • @TejasPandey44
    First video to explain the whole game in proper detail. Really great job 👍
  • @papayatv7766
    I played the entire halo story a month ago for the first time and it was epic idk how I let this series slide underneath me and never gave it a try and this game deserves game of the year in my opinion
  • I'm not sure how long I can wait for a continuation of this story. I really hope they do updates or DLC for the story as time goes on. Since with 343s goal of wanting infinite to be the platform for halo for the next 10 years I doubt I can wait that long for a follow up XD
  • @mokokoco4720
    Here’s my theory. Harbinger wanted to bring her species back from the dead. Why did the forerunners exclude them from coming back when they were bringing life back to the universe after the flood died? I don’t believe the Harbinger or her species are the precursors, but maybe a species that was pro precursors and anti forerunners as the Mantle of Responsibility. Some species didn’t like the forerunners so that can be one thing. If I remember correctly that the precursors werent destroyed but pushed far away out of the universe. Here’s my other theory. Atriox probably gained knowledge about the Mantle of Responsibility and wants the Brutes to be it instead of the humans. With his home world destroyed now. He can rebuild it and his species to be smarter since their DNA is locked in the installation (remember that the forerunners made the humans go back to their primitive form when they brought them back). He gained info from the Harbinger on how to bring life back that’s locked in those card thingys (forgot the name of it). That’s just my theory though and what I think of what’s going on
  • @victorwing2896
    Fantastic explanation! My memory of the story is pretty fuzzy after Halo 3, so I appreciate the clean video!
  • @kuurooii9350
    While the ring used to be severally larger since it was apart of the first array of rings, it was reduced in size to fit the second and stronger array, also the primordial is straight up dead, he was put inside a chamber with accelerated time and was turned to dust, Medicant bias has been off zeta halo and was actually inside high charity on truths keyship, where he later was taken to the ark and was supposedly killed there according to the terminals in halo 3, however mendicants previous location is on zeta halo and it is theorized there may be some fragments of him on the ring but other than the EU lore being incorrect, it was a pretty good telling of the games story so thank you.