The Tower of Babel Reveals Key Information

Published 2020-04-03
Was the Tower of Babel real? When did the events at the Tower of Babel happen? During this presentation you’ll explore the history of the tower and associated events and repercussions. Learn about Nimrod, who was “a mighty hunter before the Lord” and others of Noah’s descendant – and perhaps where your particular ancestors came from. You’ll discover that all people are related through Noah and all are in need of a Savior.

Bodie Hodge serves as a speaker, author, and researcher for Answers in Genesis. He earned his master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Broadcasting live from the Creation Museum

0:00 Introduction
2:10 The Tower of Babel
6:25 Where did everyone come from?
14:32 Big picture: After the flood and before the call of Abraham
22:17 Where did the Irish and Scots come from?
27:09 Where did the Spanish come from?
31:35 Where did the Germans, English, and Scandinavians come from?
34:38 What about ancestor worship?
37:27 What about the decrease in ages?
38:51 Did Japheth's and Ham's lines drop equivalently to Shem's line?
39:46 From whom did the French, Portuguese, and Celts descend?
41:50 Where did the Canaanites and Chinese come from?
46:06 Where did the Egyptians come from?
49:56 Where did the Turks come from?
50:39 Where did the Russians come from?
51:34 Where did the Indians come from?
56:32 What's the point?

All Comments (21)
  • @garym7989
    You should know that the original CHINESE Writing System, the Original, shows that the Word for BIG BOAT, Is a picture of a boat with 8 people on the Boat. The same original emperor Talks of the 'Chinese' people (or what they called themselves, I don't remember the name talked of by the ancient chinese scholar giving the talk) that they came from BABYLON 200 years before the foundation of Chinese culture. The picture of the word for Mercy, 2500 years BC, was a Cross with Blood on it. And much more......
  • @maryblushes7189
    It happens sometimes that a person outlives their family. My mother died last month at the age of 93 and she had no cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sons and husband still living. She outlived all but me and my younger sister. I have outlived almost everyone in my husband's family, 2 of my nephews passed in the last few years. My best friend, her husband, all dead. It gets lonely when most people you are related to or known closely have died. I keep outliving my doctors too. God must have a job for me us all I can figure. I will be 73 in February and have still not gotten grey hair. My mother died with her natural brown hair and only a few streaks if grey at 93.
  • @sheriw5181
    The section on Indians at 52:50 to 54:00 is silent and blank. It would be great if it was added.
  • Something people dont think about… we all descended from Noah yeah? True.. but lets not forget his wife, we also descended from her side aswell… who is HER family and people? Could we have evil blood still mixed in us through her? And what about his sons wives he brought along and their ancestors? Where did the ark set sail from? Who was where before the flood? Was there oceans before or was that just where God decided to leave the water level after the flood? Alot of questions arise as more get answered
  • It seems like the portion, "Where did the Indians come from?", was removed. Why? Concerning.
  • @sheriw5181
    Presentation was really great. I also watched the other presentation video 'What You Need to Know about the Tower of Babel', which was so informative and eye opening. However, where would you place Pangea? I read where it was believed the dividing of the earth after the flood was the breaking of Pangea. What I also found very interesting in that video was the note on ancestry worship where the descendants who lived shorter lives had the ancestors who lives much longer, coming back from centuries before and possibly seen as gods. The mention in this video of Tubal being called Jupiter was like all the puzzle pieces coming together.
  • @mrs.ogbuagu
    Outstanding work !! I love the thorough research regarding the African continent. (which is so rare to see from whites) I do not agree with every theory, but this was so well done that I cannot complain!! I would just mention, regarding the transatlantic slave trade, please call the people "Africans" not simply "slaves". Give them some dignity back. Even the Hebrew slaves were called Hebrews. The term "slave" for the African is used as a weapon to strip our humanity, not just describe a role. Normally, the term slave describes what a person does. In the case of Africans, it aims to describe who they are. Sadly, this needs to stop. Please and thank you !! Again, excellent lecture sir! A++
  • This is so intriguing! Thank you for doing such thorough research. My family can't wait to visit you guys in person in a couple of weeks.
  • @marthaj67
    Around 51:00, he mentions the Fins and the Hungarians. Many people don't know (I didn't before we visited Budapest) that the languages of these two countries share a common, and unique ancestry. WOW, is it ever difficult to learn Hungarian! Listen to some Hungarians or Finnish people speaking and you'll see what I mean. Their languages sound like no other languages I've ever heard. Very unique and interesting 😊
  • Jubilees states that the towers peak was 8,157 ft. Which would make it 3×taller than the current tallest structure on earth the Burj Kalif
  • @NFD25
    Hi would it be possible for you to re upload the Indian section please as the video has bits cut off from there
  • Pre-flood: higher atmospheric pressure and higher oxygen levels made the environment a gigantic hyperbaric chamber and most likely played a role in UV filtration. The whole land was essentially a tropical paradise without the cyclical temperature swings between summer and winter. God created a perfect environment in which man could live eternally in total comfort, coupled with a much greater genetic diversity spread out amongst the human population, meaning less chance of mutations being passed on, all played a role in the longer lifespans. Post-flood: immediately after the flood was the ice age, there were extreme climatic and temperature swings until almost present day. The initial drop-off in lifespans is due to drastic changes in the environment. Diet was different because the diversity of crops which sustained them earlier could no longer be grown in one area (meaning poor nutrition) as well as the introduction of meat. Man no longer existed in harmony with the world- animals now fear man and it became difficult to just survive. To live is to be under constant stress, and stress kills. The second decrease in the length of days is the result of the post-flood bottleneck, only three men and their wives to populate the land. The bottleneck effect was compounded exponentially post-Babel. Isolated groups, inbreeding for generations only amplified mutations within their gene pool. Genetic diversity plummeted from 26% pre-flood to 0.1% now. All of these factors worked together to shorten the length of our lives from how they once were before the heavens opened up
  • @son_of_guns
    Interesting and insightful. Much respect for your research and historical investigation. I have one question? Is God not the Author of Confusion? What's your take on how that plays into the narrative?
  • In the section “where did the Indians come from, right after we learn that all but 2 of the 12 sons went to India, 52:47, the video cuts out to the times the lives are and does not continue again until 54:29. I’m not sure if this is a YouTube issue (sensor) or something that you guys have added into to correct something. It happens. Kinda sad becuase I love this! . ❤
  • Wow. Queen Elizabeth and I share a common ancestor. King Henry II Plantagenet. My line comes through Henry's illegitimate son William d'Longspee, 1st Earl of Salisbury, by his mistress Ida d'Tosny.
  • The documentary Journey of Man a Genetic Odyssey is the history of the human race from the Tower of Babel onward. People did not obey Gods command to fill the Earth before Noah's Flood 60 thousand years ago. It's a very enlightening documentary. The Genesis Question explains this remarkably well. 9:5
  • This isn't the only explanation. Portuguese as she is spoke in Brazil was only recently recognized as a separate language. There are dialects in different parts of the USA. That is how all languages begin. In the KJV, to let meant to hinder. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet says: "I'll make a ghost of him that lets me." Shakespeare died during the reign of James I.
  • @theLORDGod_G450
    Genesis 11:4 (KJV) And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.