Dark Souls 2: PvP - Sanctum Mace Poison Build

Published 2014-11-06
This video features some invasions/duels using the sanctum mace.

The most important pieces in the build are poisonbite ring +1, rotten pine resin, the poison enhancing gloves and ofc sanctum mace.

A clean hit with the charge attack with this build makes the enemy player poisoned (as long as he doesn't have very high poison resistance) .

One of my favorite builds, and really fun to play with.

All Comments (11)
  • @Adu767
    Impressed by this ingenuity. Didn't know the sanctum mace had that moveset.
  • @bioforce5
    Nice technique. I love the way you intentionally run past them to catch them on the roll.
  • @onebarr
    nice use of the running attack, i wonder if this would work with normal spears
  • @Nixthyo
    Don't forget the Ratbro ring
  • @Gnurklesquimp
    I didn't realize it had that 2h running attack, that may help a lot in applying poison if it comes out as fast as it seems to, otherwise the length and linearity should make it an easy punish. Btw., poison keeps going even when knocked down, right? >:D Now to find out if the wood carving animation is indeed shorter than knockdown.
  • @magikarp5368
    It's like Katana Running R1 Spam but better. And more poison-y. Oh, and what was your dex stat at?
  • @hacnsm
    Too bad poison bonus is tied to dex and adp. I hate leveling dex unnecessarily. This thing probably does huge poison buildup without leveling dex though.
  • @-twokinds-2614
    I use the sactum mace to and u should have poisen resestince also what I like to do is just back step from there attack then do the running attack gets them every time..... unless it's lagging as fuck