ISS shows BALL LIGHTNING!! storm over W. Australia Min-Min Extreme electric storm

Publicado 2020-04-11
I recorded an incredible lighting storm on the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION LIVE CAMERA as it went over WESTERN AUSTRALIA and soon began to notice the glowing orbs appearing and floating up through the atmosphere into space and disappearing off the camera. Watch as a dozen or so orbs appear after crazy lighting strikes in rapid succession and begin to float up the screen. Please note the image is at nighttime and the Earth and atmosphere edge cover roughly the lower 2/3rds of the screen. THIS COULD BE THE FIRST SPACE STATION CAMERA TO CAPTURE THE ELUSIVE BALL LIGHTNING?? OR MAYBE AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABORIGINAL STORIES OF THE 'MIN MIN'?! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!?

Todos los comentarios (2)
  • @filthyan1mal588
    Min min and ball Lightning are real and the same I've seen it I think silica beaches are the key