What Is It Like Being Chronically Ill?

Published 2012-04-19
Instagram: KellyPatriciaXO
Twitter: KellyPatriciaXO

All Comments (21)
  • @CailinMarie
    Exactly! You put it perfectly, I just wished more people understood instead of making judgments or thinking we're flaky or lazy.
  • @noemiace9100
    I have Rheumatoid arthritis! That is exactly how people with Rheumatoid arthritis feel. Having pain every day learning how to deal with horrible pain that will not go away. Mood swings , depression, anxiety. Feeling worthless wanting to give up. Trying not to give up! We need to find a cure. Good bless you! God is good
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Wow thank you so much! :) I'm glad I could put this video together and spread awareness! I was just diagnosed with RA recently along with Lupus so I definitely understand what you are going through. Keep fighting!!
  • @todorradic
    I have RA, AS & Crohn's and totally understand what you are going through. People say "how can you be sick when you look so well". people make un informed judgements about you and this video highlights the daily struggles people with these conditions endure just to survive. Well done to you for pulling this video documentary together. Pure class
  • @karenfuica7974
    You've put all of this perfectly! I understand where other people are coming from, but it still sucks. Especially when people can be hurtful about it. You've put all of this perfectly, well said well said ❤️
  • @sylviejones3173
    I am chronically ill. I am just 10 years old. When I was 9 I was diagnosed with New Daily Persistant Headache. Although I am chronically ill I still continue school and my other activities. But outside that, I do not like to do anything. If my mum asks me if I want to go to the park, I will say no. If my dad asks me if I want to go to the beach, I will say no... It feels as if I'm so lonely. Hardly any of my friends know I am chronically ill. And NOBODY understands what it's like....
  • I really appreciate you bringing awareness to people who do not understand what it's like to live with an invisible illness. I have UC and it ruins every aspect of my life, to relationships, work, exercise, etc. I think you are a brave girl and I respect you a lot. I hope you are doing well and you will be in my prayers. I am relating to all of your videos, so thank you for sharing them! :)
  • I love watching you!  In fact, I have spread this to my social media, both for awareness and for identification for my fellows who are also sick ... I was just watching the part where you talk about not being able to go to a store alone, in case you get sick while u r there - well, yes, that's true ... but some of us just don't have any other choice: we are alone.  And that's really hard, too!
  • YES!!!! Well said. Thanks for being so postive, I do not have IBD I have Chronic lyme, so just seeing others with illnesses and them being so happy helps so thanks :) Posting it on Facebook.
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Aw, you are so welcome! I'm so glad that you can relate to them and hopefully it helps you feel a little better by knowing you are never alone in these battles we face! I know it's so hard sometimes, but keep fighting! You are so strong for everything you get through everyday. :) I'll be praying for you too! *hugs!! hope your day goes well. <3
  • Thank you for this. I feel like I have such a hard time explaining without crying and being a mess.
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Aww thank you so much! :) I'm so glad you liked this video! :) I understand exactly what you are saying about your family and friends. It is hard, but we have to do the best that we can. Just take one day at a time. No need to look in the future too far, that just makes stress for us. You can do this. :) I hope you start feeling better too! Keep fighting! :)
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Thank you so much, that really means so much to me!! :) God bless you too!! <3
  • @Takilra
    My hubby watched this an seemed to understand things better,on what we go through. Love ya my little tummy buddy. I sure hope you are feeling better.
  • @innerbeauty1000
    Amazing Kelly! You hit it right on the head! (I think that's the term lol) Thanks for making this girl! Liked, Favorited and posted to Facebook!
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Aww, I know how you feel. You are definitely not alone! People can be harsh when they don't understand what you are going through, but you are SO STRONG! I know that you don't want to eat, but you definitely need to make sure you are getting some sort of nutrients; just make sure you take care of yourself as best as you can! :) I hope you are feeling okay, keep fighting! <3 *hugs!!
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    I was just diagnosed with RA yesterday! I know how you feel! Hope you are having better days!
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    I'm so glad that you are going to the doctor next Monday! Please let me know how it goes, I am worried about you! But you are so strong I know you will be fine :) Believe me, I know it's hard not knowing what's wrong, I was undiagnosed for 8 years until being diagnosed with Crohns & Colitis. They WILL get to the bottom of it, but you can't give up!! Stay strong, you can do this! Good thoughts and prayers coming your way! <3
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    Aw I'm glad you like it! :) I hope that you are feeling okay these days or that happy health days are coming near to you shortly. <3
  • @Kelly.Patricia
    You're very welcome! Your life sounds very similar to how I live mine! It's really rough a lot of the times, but we can get through it. We just prove each day how strong we are by getting through it one day at a time. :) I do have people I can count on, and some great close friends. I hope that your family starts to understand better.. maybe you can talk to them. *HUGS! keep fighting! :) <3