Why I Dropped Diamond & Pearl

Published 2019-02-25

All Comments (21)
  • Didn't think I'd actually have to make a comment about this but apparently I didn't beat it in hard enough in the video. If the first 6 EPISODES are TRASH, why on Earth would I ever even think of continuing, let alone finishing an anime that's 193 episodes long? There are literally thousands of other anime I could watch instead of this. This mindset of watching dozens of episodes until a show "gets good" is something I can only describe as insanity, going back over and over again expecting a different result but never getting it. You are crazy if you think I would ever subject myself to that. If you want to argue with me, argue the points I make about those first 6 episodes, not all the stuff that comes afterwards.
  • There are reasons what made me hate the series - - That bastard Shinji is the first reason. I despised him since day one. I feel a super max prison would suit him along with Ken and Menoa Belluci (Digimon). - Mimiroru is the second for being a clingy yandere. Pikachū deserves better. Probably Ninfia or Tairenar. - Satoshi could have snatched bitch Hunter J Pokemon before leaving her to her demise. - And lastly there are some characters that had potential - Naoshi, Nozomi, Kengo, Jun and Reiji.
  • Reasons why I like DP: Paul Actual development for ash Dawn The battles and contests Symbolism of ideals between ash and Paul I’m really surprised that you hate DP. How many episodes did you see before you decided that you hate it? Idk if 6 is a good number or not to decide if you hate it. For seasonal anime it is as I usually do the 3 episode rule but for long running anime such as Pokémon I feel like it’s too short but if you hate it with a burning passion then I’d rather have you drop it. The reason why Paul kept chimchar for so long was because Paul witnessed chimcar’s blaze ability and Paul wanted to master that but he realized that he couldn’t and he does end up releasing it. He just does it at a much later date. I don’t expect much consistency from Pokémon because it always resets ash at the start of each series. A small fuck up like Paul releasing the only Pokémon that won on his team isn’t really enough to make me hate him let alone the DP series. Tbh I didn’t even realize that he did that as a kid. It wasn’t until I grew up is when I realized it. It didn’t really bother me though when I rewatched it as an adult nor did it when I was a kid. I was to hyped up with the battle to notice it as a kid and that’s the point of the battles in the anime. They are supposed to hype up the kids. Though tbh I did enjoy this video. It’s honestly my favorite one regarding criticism towards the DP anime and this is coming from a DP fanboy. Some criticisms from this video are pretty nit picky I’ll admit but for the most part I’d say most of them are justified.
  • @troyeason8238
    Kind of want to hear your opinion on Black and White lol
  • @msslamajama2
    I always thought that diamond and pearl had some of the highest highs in the series, but also some of the lowest lows
  • Ash not damaging treeko is a bad example because a few episodes earlier he told May this. Ash in the advanced series and diamond and pearl show him mostly maintaining his skill, while not improving that much as a trainer. Next I kinda agree with dawn, but with Paul ash also lost pikachu at the moment and made more sense for him to not be at his best. Paul releasing starly makes sense by it being very common, while elekid and especially chimchar, not so much. As well as aipom and especially pikachu being stronger than starly. As pikachu with volt tackle was the sole reason he wanted to battle ash. It does get explained later on that chimchar’s blaze ability is very powerful, which is why he kept him. He was hoping to eventually unleash that potential.
  • @MABfan11
    Ash vs Paul in the Sinnoh League is easily one of the best battles in Pokemon
  • @andyblargextra
    I always hated how many episodes in Pokemon XY/XYZ were just episodic "Group meets new pokemon, conflict, say goodbye". but after you said less than half of the original season were that way, I can now see it's always been this way.
  • @punchy7492
    as a now dp stan, i gotta say that outside of contests because i was always invested in those, i honestly wasn’t invested in the series until the lake acuity battle. that was like the turning point for me
  • @imjustcody
    If he hates DP just IMAGINE how much he hates Black and White. Personally me tho DP was my favourite season so far and still is
  • @rayquaza4924
    I respect ur opinion but the first 6 episodes in dp are better than the first 6 in any other generation imo
  • @Fundings
    If u think the first 6 episodes of sinnoh were boring I’m not sure how you got through hoenn
  • @ellis8628
    No offence, but you really haven’t given DP a fair chance as you only sampled the first 6. You should have watched at least 10 episodes from each season, or watch the main episodes that represent why I and many people love this anime. Also with ash and dawn fighting, it makes sense as ash and dawn are in a rather new friendship, which is why it makes sense they would fight as they are no used to easy others tendencies.
  • @n-riv8101
    Pokémon DP was when I really started keeping up with the series on TV. It was the one I saw and then caught up to after watching the entirety of the rest of the series, so I have a soft spot for it, But I can see why you would take issue with it.
  • @joyconboy8874
    Sees the Title of the video Why...just why?? Edit: After watching the Video, I do agree about most points about the Diamond and Pearl series. But For me I still enjoy Diamond and Pearl series and it's one of my favorite series ever next to XY Series.
  • @redlake9599
    Teach me how to find the anime Diamond and Pearl it's my favorite I've been watching episodes on Pokemon watch TV, but I'll have to wait months and months to wait for it to come out. Because right now I'm on Season three,and then i have to wait another month for the next part of the Johto Journeys to come out.
  • @pokegenius8491
    Dude honestly your too impatient to even criticize this
  • I respect your opinion I disagree with only watching six episodes tho then saying it's bad your basing the whole anime based off of the 6 episodes I agree the the beginning was douki ngl non the less I cannot hate on you for having different opinions then me because that's childish I respect your opinion and I enjoyed seeing your point of view from this video