EC2015 Roy Schoeman - Holocaust and Salvation

Published 2015-05-12
At our Eucharistic Convention this year Roy Schoeman gave two presentations. This is the first of them where he talks about the Role of the Holocaust in Salvation History.

Roy had a dramatic conversion from Judaism to the Catholic faith - he is what he says about himself:

My parents are German Jews who fled from the Nazi holocaust and settled here in the U.S.. I was born and raised in a middle class suburb of New York City. Growing up I was quite religious, but drifted away from religion when I went to college — first to M.I.T., where I absorbed the hip scientific “we know better than to believe in God” philosophy, and then to Harvard Business School, where I eventually joined the faculty.

Despite worldly success my life felt irrelevant, meaningless. When I suffered some reverses in both my professional and my personal lives, I hit bottom. It was at that point that the Lord gave me perhaps the greatest grace of my life. While walking on an empty beach, it seemed like I “fell” into Heaven. I directly felt God’s presence and His love. I knew that He existed, that from the first moment of my life He loved me and watched over me, and that everything, every event which happened in my life was exactly the best thing which could possibly happen. I knew that everything I did — for good or for bad — mattered and was weighed in the scales. I knew that we lived forever, and knew that Heaven existed. I knew about the angelic hierarchy. I knew that this was not the picture of God that I had from the Old Testament. I prayed to know the name of my Lord and Master, my God. I prayed “Let me know your name. I don’t mind if you are Buddha, and I have to become a Buddhist. I don’t mind if you are Apollo, and I have to become a Roman pagan. I don’t mind if you are Krishna, and I have to become a Hindu. As long as you are not Christ and I have to become a Christian!”

Roy has an interesting story - we invite you to enjoy watching this video.

All Comments (21)
  • @2Uahoj
    Excellent exposition --- very well and clearly spoken. Great insights which should be of help to all Christians and Jews.
  • @almeggs3247
    A remarkable honest man that was chosen for exactly this!
  • @almeggs3247
    Indeed Roy Catholicism is a continuation of the one true plan! ✝️🙏🏻🌹♥️
  • @VictorLepanto
    I do so love Roy Shoeman. He illustrates what I personally say of the Jews. St. John Paul the Great said that the Eastern (Orthodox) half of the Church & Western (Latin) half of the Church is the two lungs of the Church, which must sing to together to praise God properly. If the two Latin & Orthodox halves are the two lungs, then the Jews are the heart of the Church. "...the blood is the life." -Deu 12:23. The lungs renew the life of the blood w/ oxygen, the lungs would have no blood w/o the heart. Remember, the blood of Jesus in in the Eucharist but it is also in His people Israel. We should reverence His Holy Mother as the source from which He came, & we should reverence His Holy Nation for they are part of her & she of them.
  • @paulwood7226
    Roy, you inspire me, you inspire us. Thank you. Keep up the good work
  • @soulscry8697
    I totally agree with this man's assessment of the continuation of the Jewish faith into Christianity. This is how I view my Catholic faith too. It is Judeo-Christian. It includes understanding the old testament for "our story" from Garden of Eden disaster to our fall from grace where heaven was shut, and then the arrival of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior being of two natures divine and human, whose self sacrifice "pays" for mortal sin bringing us redemption from Satanic bondage. The greatest love story in our history.
  • @feaokautai7354
  • @rosie0990
    Maranatha, Come soon lord Jesús. 😢
  • @christiane934
    Thanks be to Jesus for his grace. Thanks for this teaching. And I will begin to pray for the conversions of the Jews, that JESUS may come soon and redeem us from this world, which become more and more darker ... But Christ is present. Amen!
  • @NaYawkr
    As Dr. Scott Hahn said the old testament is fullfilled in the New, and the New testament was prefiggurred by the Old Testament. We should then Jew & Gentile, realize that The Holy Bible end to end is the family history of each soul, and God desires each with Him forever in heaven. Evil seeks to take us to hell, to make us hate God our life, our savior, and our most good and generous Father.
  • @christiane934
    Can you install a translation modus, like so much other videos normally have?
  • @NaYawkr
    Catholics belong to the one, holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church founded by Christ (see Matthew 16, verses 13 through 20) whom He then built HIS only One true Church on Peter, who He named 'Rock' (aka Peter), so gentiles were all Catholics which only had the heretical teachers, the protestants, 1500 years after Christ ascended back to The Father, which began with Martin Luther a defrocked Catholic Priest. Quickly then there were so many different heresies that Luther himself said that 'there is no idea however clownish that is not attributed to God'. So Luther saw the damage he had begun. No real church began after Christ founded HIS one true church. Today we have tens of thousands of so-called Christian churches, which are founded on their own bogus heresy.