Biden campaign acknowledges ABC interview stakes are high, while managing expectations

Published 2024-07-05
As President Joe Biden prepares for his primetime interview, Biden campaign officials are managing expectations, acknowledging the president’s frequent verbal missteps, while also recognizing the stakes are high. #CNN #news

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All Comments (21)
  • It's a prerecorded and heavily edited interview. How stupid do they think we are?
  • It’s a PRE-taped interview?!? Why would this change a SINGLE thing??
  • I hope this "Walking Dead" stays in the race. He'll hand the election to Trump guaranteed.
  • @Chiliongiggs
    They may end up spending the whole day trying to record 15 minutes interview 😂.
  • It's a Taped interview so we're only going to see and hear want they want us to see and hear.
  • @willroche6691
    How about a live cognitive test with Biden and Trump?
  • @lisabaird317
    A edited interview with a left biased media agenda does not inspire the confidence needed. A live...NO teleprompter event is what is required at this point. I think the public is smarter than the media gives us all credit for!
  • Biden needs a razor sharp 90 minute live press conference that's nothing but Q and A. A taped interview with ABC does more harm than good.
  • @claville12345
    This is not a high stakes interview, it is not live. It will be edited like crazy. The fact their calling it high stakes upsets me.
  • @daveh322
    Taped, scripted, edited and polished interviews with a journalist that worships the ground you walk on ain't gonna mean squat to the general public. Not one bit.
  • Biden doing a video edited interview is not going to bring him a comeback. It’s time to face reality and retire Joe Biden.
  • @LuciFeric137
  • @daBEAGLE1017
    ABC will just ask him questions a kindergartner could answer.
  • @wespotter6985
    I want to hear the audio of the Hur interview. I paid for it it is owned by the people.
  • @nonnie9589
    I’m not going anywhere…I gotta go to bed. Pathetic!!
  • @pzkpfw6864
    The gaslighting will continue until morale improves
  • @mr.v3061
    Americans wondering what level of Jumanji they're on today. :face-purple-crying:
  • @MSNBG1g
    It's not about Biden. It's about DEMOCRACY or AUTOCRACY!!
  • @MrBrungers
    That a 81 old man is the candidate to save democracy is insane…