let's talk about burn out and how much it sucks | some tips to get through it too, of course

Published 2019-03-11
dear viewer,

this week I talk a bit about burn out... because damn I'm in the thick of it. I've been feeling anxious, depressed, sick, angry, irritated, sad all at once these past few weeks and it's really hit me with full force these past few days. but. as with everything in life, we must move forward with life. I hope my video helped you to feel a little less alone today if you're experiencing similar things. let's talk if you need someone, don't hesitate to comment below. thank you for watching and for your support!!!đź’•

9,262 xo's .. YEONNI.

All Comments (16)
  • @lj4466
    I am going into my MSW program soon and seeing this is very helpful and so so honest of you (thank you for that). I want to give you a hug. I feel like its very important for social workers to work in positions where they can give (of course) but also gain. If a position or population just takes, and the SW doesnt feel a reward or a passion being around the population and doing the daily grind, burn out is inevitable right? I'm so scared to choose the wrong path, but you are showing me its all a learning experience regardless. You're still growing into this part of your life. You'll grow from this, and perhaps it's all showing you what you don't want in the process of crystallizing what you do want for yourself- and that is very valuable.
  • @alannahc967
    I am a nurse working with mental health and addictions and I feel this sooooo much right now. The balance between personal safety and client health is a big struggle.. burn out is so so real. Thank you for sharing.
  • Social work graduate school + personal issues got me on the edge of burnout
  • @dontaskhazel
    thank you for making this video. It's good to see all sides of a profession, even the not-so-good parts like burnout. mental health days are super important <3
  • @julias9422
    So relate to this!! Working in medicine also has high burn out rates. Taking care of people gets EXHAUSTING and becomes very draining. It's so hard to juggle work, school and volunteer work and often times I find my needs get pushed onto the back burner. Sometimes I just feel like a robot. Feels very validating hearing about your struggles with this too. thanks for sharing!!
  • @danajohnson4143
    It sounds like you will be able to handle complex situations after working with what seems like it could be a traumatized population. It makes sense that one might feel a little drained under those circumstances. I like what you said about vicarious resilience. One thing that may provide some balance for some is to type in "I'm depressed" in the YouTube search box and use the past 24 hours filter. Sometimes you may find people whose lives you may even help to save. Some find this to be a rewarding population. Anyway, thank you for this video and have a great rest of your day.
  • Sorry you are feeling this way. Personally, I think you are doing it exactly right! Not hiding from the signs of burn out, no forcing down any issues. I hope bringing up any security measure issue with your boss will help, and I also hope it becomes easier for you to find your balance. It can be tricky
  • @kshanell11
    I totally agree I’m a social worker working on my LCSW hours and have been a trauma therapist for a year. It has been extremely rough and draining currently looking to work with a new population. I hope you feel better !
  • @fox18ish
    I’ve been dancing with burnout for the last year or so. Children’s Services isn’t an easy place to work but I stay for my kids (clients). ❤️
  • @secondjoint
    it's ok to pick the population that you want to work with. currently i work with very problematic kids and i clearly don't have the mental capacity to handle the behavioral issues. i think it's ok to pick work that you can handle, and then later on when you're older you might have more mental bandwidth for the more serious ones.
  • I’m graduating May 2019. most jobs you can experience burnout. It’s sad to know that it’s talked about more in the social work field. idk if you have a video on it but what specific work do you do?
  • Read The Age of Overwhelm by laura van dernoot lipsky! It talks about managing things that can lead to burnout!
  • @IshtarNike
    Is not being able to say no an Asian thing or a "you are a worker and are replaceable so standing up to authority can be very dangerous." As well as generally not wanting to admit "defeat."