A day in the life of a Special Education teacher

Published 2010-12-08
This is a profile of the SCB, or school community based special education program at James Hubert Blake high school in Montgomery County, Maryland. A team of teachers, administrators and specialists come together each day to support and teach these students.

All Comments (21)
  • Being a special ed student all my life it turned me into one. I remember the day I told my school's special education teachers " I'm going to be a special eduation teacher it may take me longer than most but this is my career" from that day they did their best to prepare me for my career and college admissions. It's taken me 2 years to become a sophmore but I'm a step closer. This career was ment for me and it's my calling. What better person than one that understands their world?
  • @jgrennmusic
    I’m a special Ed kid and it was not fun. I remember I would cry at night because I felt like no one understanded me and I felt the whole world was agents me. So now I want to be a early childhood special educator myself.
  • @jillplacko2454
    This teacher is so patient and good. I can't believe how calm she is for her first year. It is great that the school offers so much support. She is so nice and positive with these kids. I hope I can do the same.
  • @kevinswilcox
    "There's a special place in heaven, for special education teachers." I totally agree and will be happy to accept my special place someday!
  • @kingnate9534
    I was in special ed all because my thought I had a problem with speech. I finally got out of the class when I was in 7th grade because I was given some test and the teachers realized I didin't need the class because I had a good reading comprehension and an average IQ. I was placed in a ICT class. Now I'm in highschool taking regular classes and getting A's and B's.
  • @alizo3
    If I was the teacher I'd be crying 24/7 , these people are so amazing and they deserve so much more recognition. God bless your hearts special ed teachers ❤❤
  • I've worked with special education students now as a peer tutor for a couple of years and it's really inspired me to become a special education teacher. The teachers all try to accompany the needs of their students and find plans that work for the students. I think a vast majority of teachers actually try to help their students and help them succeed.
  • @becchi2458
    when I was in fourth grade I was put into special ed because of aspergers that class was hell I had no one to talk to everyone was either autistic or physically disabled
  • @pookab5905
    What a lovely teacher who sees each child as an individual who can reach goals. She's so caring and committed to her students. I expect by now she has done really well and leading others in a school.
  • @MadhouseDev
    When I was in special education, I felt a deep depression in my heart which is "Segregation". Also the other kids from general population pity you and look down on you because now they think you’re dumb, including my crush who thinks I’m weird now and she avoids me as much as possible.
  • @aggierowe9574
    I have an interview in January as a NYC teaching fellow candidate for Special Education-Bilingual. I am so in awe of Emily's calm, cool, yet engaging demeanor. You're an inspiration!
  • @thatonemoodyguy
    Bless this teacher and all she does. I work in SPED as a paraeducator and it’s not easy all. It takes hard work and dedication. Love this video ❤️
  • I finally got out of SPED at the age of 13 but then later I kept having PTSD from it because how they always grab me and punishing me for telling them to stop treating me like crap and for correcting them too much. I don’t consider to have autism because I worried someone will control me if I do have it just like when someone claims you as crazy against you, then like doctors or police or any other workers can do anything to you for an example. My friend who used to be in my regular high school class tried to help me to make me forget about what happened when I was at SPED system but I just couldn’t forget. I remember how I hated when special ed teachers forced me to sing with other SPED students and forced me to watch Little kids show. Also remembered that I was so pissed when they took my book called Divergent because they told it’s “inappropriate” for me to read it. I told my friend that I was about to kill myself because of those past. He felt sad and worried for me so he took me to a temple with eastern religious people to learn about dealing with past, forgiveness, compassion, and learn how to be in peace. People were very nice there and they got free tea and coffee there. Right now I’m still learning from the temple
  • @red2846
    My grandson is participating in the special Ed program because he had a heart transplant and a stroke. He’s doing well! I appreciate his teacher sooo much! This was very touching ❤️😍
  • @dqwno4900
    I have to keep my special education program and my autism a secret from everyone because I am well aware of the stigma against autism and the bad treatment people commit. I hate the label. It’s a target for mockery, teasing, harassment, and belittling. People won’t want to be with you because of ur autism or disability. It’s how they are. It doesn’t matter if you behave “normally” if they find out you are disabled, then you are going to have a bad time at school. I was afraid of that, so I hid it. I knew if I blew my cover, my friends would leave and no one would go near me or talk to me again. I also won’t make friends ever again. I had to be sneaky and slick. Luckily, I never blew my cover. It’s sad and hard living with autism and the label of autistic. you have extra challenges and barriers to overcome. You will be met with stereotypes if they find out. You will be ridiculed and harassed. Life treats you worse than it does to a neurotypical person. Think of it as life but at a higher difficulty level.
  • this is really touching. she’s is so patient with them and i can tell that she enjoys what she does. these kids are human being just like us and i’m glad that she sees that and treats them as such❤
  • I remember being in a special ed class like this, but it was mostly in my elementary years.
  • I help out in one of the few special education classes at my school (Walt Whitman HS, also in Montgomery County) and I love it! The kids are the sweetest and working with them makes my day so much better.
  • What a remarkable teacher. You can really see where her passion is in this video. She displays an experienced level of patience with the students. This video really allows the viewer to see what goes on in a special education classroom; from the beginning of the day right down to the end. I also picked up on how the agenda was displayed in a special education classroom just like it is posted in a general education classroom. Sheva Hercules really does loves her job and her students. She truly d
  • @crush42mash6
    You have to love our teachers, giving every day what they have, sometimes having half days here and there but overall they’re champions! They need to be paid better for what they do for our children. It truly is a gift to be able to work with kids