Crazy Life! Misery Business

As I said on my other one... Audioswapped... and WOW look at the Random Sync!!!!! O.O Even better than that Plain white tees song I have on my reupload (also swapped) ... Meh, I may be pissed at having my videos removed but shrug At least the people who mattered saw it before it was removed.

OMG IM SO ANGRY AT FREAKING YOUTUBE!! THERE ARE MOMENTS IN THE VID WHERE THERE ARE SPLIT SECOND PICTURES! THEY HAVE BEEN KILLED BY YOUTUBE! They SHOULD flash by like at 1:45 but dont... especially at the end. Timing in some places is minorly off, and a lag occasionally appears. The ending has been killed by the pictures standing still. Do not blame me for the last crappy 7 seconds, it is the tube... At least L turned up at the right place DX


YAY! I Did an awesome vid! And it can cound as a friendship tibuteJOY!!
So, even if you're picture ISNT in this vid, I think everyone will find this entertaining =D Like all my non-audition vids, this started out with me just messing around with pictures... AND OMG I GTO MY BRACES OFF TODAY!! I TALK WITH A FREAKY LISP!! Whoever decided to put an 'S' in the word 'Lisp' Is sick and cruel

PEEPS IN THE VID!! (in order of appearance)
L... cough and looks around nervously
Me (im in the brown... idk... I look Napoleon dynamite or somethin :P)
Caitlin/Ria (Me best fwend :3 ... also called 'The Ria'... -_-)
Richard (guy in green... British Midget lol)
Sam (A person... kinda flaky though DX)
Ron (Lol... a person obviously... Steph's little bro and everyone's freaking friend O.o)
Nathan (My bro... very weird... very hyper... like a mini me to some extent... I'm molding him mwahahaha)
Lance!! (MY DOG AND MY SOULMATE LOL!! my dad is talking in BG)
Steph (Freaky crazy awsome person lol)
Liz (AH!! im in a hurry!! I forgot her for most of the vid and you might not notice her first time lol)
Mr. Rawlyk (The bestest teacher in the universe... playing his guitar and singing in Geo class... he is very random)
Sam's Mom (the one on the motercycle o.o)
My cousin Austin (and Misty, his now deceased cat.. the awsomesest cousin in the world and a 1 year old cat... poor things)
My cousin Nigel (And Penny, his newest dog)
Near (lol)
A friend in wolf form
Matt and a preist... lol
Sam Woods (GRIN!)
Cheri (vamp?)
Korica/Brendon(?) (Ria's Bf... Im just that nice -_-)

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